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22nd June

Santae Data Rights
Our Privacy Policy outlines the information collected from users who register and engage with our FREE platform. Santae is operated by [Santae Entertainment LLC], headquartered in [Alabama], with data securely stored on servers located in [Alabama]. Our practices comply with the European Union GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), and adhere to the United States' Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998.

Data Collection
We collect only essential data necessary for users to effectively utilize our platform. Information stored for each registered account includes IP Address, Email Address, cookie ID, and browser/device details. If you opt to link your account with Facebook, Google, or Twitter for streamlined login/registration, no additional information is stored; it is simply cross-referenced with any existing email address in our records.

We do not gather ANY personally identifiable information.

Data Storage
Protecting your privacy and the security of our platform is our top priority. All data is securely stored on our systems, currently located in [ Alabama ]. While we implement robust security measures, in the unlikely event of a data breach, all users will be promptly notified via our News section and/or email.

Data Usage
The data we collect is solely utilized to safeguard your registered account and enhance your user experience. It aids in maintaining a safe environment for all users, addressing user inquiries, and communicating relevant events or promotions. You have the option to unsubscribe from our emails at any time.
Data Sharing We only share data in exceptional circumstances as required by law. Under no circumstances do we share or sell the data we collect.

Third-Party Data Collection
Santae generates revenue through third-party advertising and PayPal transactions. These entities operate under their own Privacy Policies and may collect their own data. We encourage users to review their respective policies.

Data Removal
You can contact our Data Protection Officer via email at support@santae.net to request a copy of the data stored on your account or to initiate the removal of your data from our systems.

Please note that we retain only the minimal amount of data necessary for maintaining your FREE account on our platform. Requests for permanent data removal will be processed promptly.
Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy
We utilize cookies to tailor content and advertisements, offer social media functionalities, and analyze site traffic. Additionally, we may share usage information with our social media, advertising, and analytics partners. Cookies are also employed to securely store your account details, ensuring seamless login and gameplay on Santae. Our platform utilizes Google services for analytics and advertising purposes.

Santae Privacy Policy
At Santae, we prioritize the safety and enjoyment of all users. We are committed to safeguarding online information securely at all times, especially considering our substantial child player base. We uphold compliance with the European Union GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and adhere to the United States' Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998.

Data Collection:
We collect only essential data necessary for registered accounts to fully access and enjoy our site. This includes IP Address, Email Address, cookie ID, and browser/device information. For users linking their accounts with Facebook, Google, or Twitter for streamlined login/registration, we solely match existing email addresses without storing additional information.

Children under 13:
For children under 13, we strictly limit personal information to username, email address, password, and gender, solely for account security. Parents can request changes to their child's account, including upgrading to an over 13 account, by clicking here to complete and submit a Parental Consent form.

Usage of Data:
All data collected is solely utilized to safeguard registered accounts and enhance user experience. It aids in maintaining site safety, addressing user queries, and notifying users of relevant events or promotions. Users have the option to unsubscribe from promotional emails at any time.

Data Sharing:
We only share data in exceptional circumstances as required by law and never sell collected data to third parties.

Third-Party Data Collection:
Santae generates revenue from third-party advertising and sales through platforms like PayPal. These entities maintain their own Privacy Policies, and users are encouraged to review them.

Data Removal:
Users can request a copy of their stored data or request its removal by contacting our Data Protection Officer via email at support@santae.net. We only retain minimal data essential for FREE account functionality.

Security Measures:
Our secure servers, located in [ Location ], undergo stringent security protocols, including 24/7 on-site monitoring and access controls. Session Cookies are used to maintain user sessions and improve site functionality, and users can easily manage cookie preferences through their web browser.

Changes to Privacy Policy:
Any updates to our Privacy Policy will be promptly communicated via our website to ensure users remain informed about data collection, usage, and disclosure practices.

Third-Party Advertising:
We collaborate with third-party advertising companies to serve ads on our site, utilizing information about user visits for tailored advertisements. Users can opt out of this practice through appropriate channels provided.

By utilizing our site, you consent to the collection and use of information as outlined in this policy. We commit to transparency and will promptly communicate any policy changes to maintain user awareness and trust.