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Santae's Upcoming Features & Updates

General/Support Updates:

  • Custom Sorting for Collections: You will have the ability to sort your collections in any order you prefer, giving you full control over how your items are displayed.

  • Inappropriate Word Filter: - Completed

    We are implementing an inappropriate word filter to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users.

  • Support Ticket System: We will introduce an on-site support ticket system, allowing you to easily manage and resolve any issues that may arise directly within the site.

  • Gathering/Berry Tree Timers: - Completed

    Timers for gathering and the Berry Tree will now be displayed on the main page, similar to the existing fishing timers, providing quick access.

  • Notification Controls: Ability to turn on and off notifications for ALL features, so you can choose to get a notification when a quest ends, or when a fishing or gathering timer is up or when a topic is created in a specific forum, or even when a reply is posted to a particular forum topic.

  • Discord Integration: - Completed

    We’re adding Discord integration with Santae, allowing you to link your Discord and Santae accounts for a more connected experience.

Inventory/Gallery/UserShops/Cellar Update:

  • Initial Item Storage Limit: Every member will start with the ability to hold up to 300 items (total quantity of all items) in their inventory. This limit is upgradeable using sP, similar to how shops and galleries work. If you exceed the limit, items will automatically be moved to your cellar, and you’ll receive a notification.

  • Minimal Herding Storage: A dedicated space for all your herding essentials. This storage location allows you to conveniently store berries, toys, and plushies that you will use for your minimal herding activities. With this specialized storage, you can stock up on herding essentials, allowing you to prepare for any minimal you may encounter during your herding adventure.

  • Collections Pagination and Search: Collections will be enhanced with pagination, allowing you to view up to 50 items per page. Additionally, search and filter options will be added, making it easier to find specific items within your collection.

  • CSS Customization for Galleries: We’re adding CSS customizability to Galleries, allowing you to personalize the appearance and layout of your gallery with custom styles.

  • Gallery Organization with Line Breaks: We’re adding the ability to organize galleries with line breaks, allowing you to display as few as one item per row for a cleaner and more customized layout.

  • Categories and Filters: We’re introducing categories and filters to Galleries, User Shops, and the Cellar, similar to the current inventory system. This will make it easier to sort and find items within these areas.

  • Autopricer for User Shops: A new Autopricer feature is coming to User Shops, allowing you to automatically price your items at the lowest price available in other user shops. The Autopricer will also notify you if your new price is significantly lower than others, helping you avoid underpricing your items.

  • User Shops Price Cap: We’re introducing a max item price cap in User Shops that will cap at 250% higher than the items value. Items valued higher than this should be sold through the trades system, ensuring a balanced marketplace. An item’s value is the price at which you purchased it from Main Shops.

Pet Profile Update:

  • Enhanced Text Formatting: - Completed

    We’re adding the ability to break up text using CSS and BBCode, with more whitelisted CSS options available. This will give you greater control over text formatting and layout in your posts and profiles.

  • Pet Profile Navigation: You’ll soon be able to navigate between your pets directly from their profile pages. By clicking left or right arrows, you can move to the next pet in the order you have them assigned, making it easier to view and manage your pets.

Pets Update:

  • Non-Unique Naming System: - Completed

    We’re introducing a Non-Unique Naming System, allowing multiple pets to share the same name. However, pets that are the first of their name will receive a special First Edition Badge. This badge will be displayed on the pet’s profile and also prominently shown on the member’s profile, signifying that the pet is a First Edition.

  • Pet Interactions: You will be able to interact with your pets in various ways, including patting them, giving them a snack, or taking them for a walk, flight, or swim. While these actions don’t affect their happiness, they’re fun interactions that contribute toward unlocking achievements after a certain number of interactions.

  • Pet Skills: Pets will gain skills such as Level, Attack, Defense, Magic, and more through participation in the battle system. These skills will develop as your pet engages in battles, making them stronger and more capable.

  • Pets' Intellectual Skills: Intellectual skills for pets, such as knowledge and wisdom, will be gained through reading books, engaging in general interactions like fishing, gathering, and bug collecting, as well as attending a university. These activities will help your pets grow intellectually, adding depth to their abilities.

  • Pet Release to Wildlife Refuge: You’ll have the ability to “Release” your pet into the Wildlife Sanctuary. This action will remove the pet from your current collection. Since the pet is domesticated, it cannot be reintroduced into the wild, but it will go to the Wildlife Sanctuary where it can live in a natural state while still being cared for.

  • Pet Rescue from Tranquil Grove: You’ll also have the option to “Rescue” a friendly pet that resides in the Wildlife Sanctuary, giving it a new home and bringing it back into your collection.

  • Pet Sanctuary: This is where you can home your pets that are not with you on your adventure. Your limit to house pets here starts at 10 and can go up to 250 pets. You can organize them in the order you want them displayed, and eventually, the first 5 pets in your sanctuary will be on a landscape where you can view them “Grazing,” “Swimming,” etc.
  • School/University System: The School/University System will be more than simply sending your pets to learn; we want to create the best user experience possible! Below are some of the upcoming features we have planned for our school/university system.

    • Different Learning Tracks: Instead of static classes, allow pets to choose specialized learning tracks based on their interests and strengths. For example, a pet might choose the "Adventurer's Path," "Artisan's Journey," or "Mystic Studies," each offering a tailored set of classes and unique rewards.

    • Interactive Assignments: Incorporate mini-games or puzzles as part of the learning experience. Successfully completing these challenges could grant bonus points, rare items, or increase the pet's stats faster.

    • Seasonal Classes: Rotate the subjects available based on in-game seasons or events. For example, during winter, pets could take "Winter Survival Skills," while in the summer, they could study "Tropical Botany."

    • Different NPC-Instructed Classes: Introduce NPCs with unique personalities to teach each subject. These NPCs could provide additional side quests or special tasks related to their expertise.

    • Master Classes: Once pets reach a certain level, unlock Master Classes that teach advanced, exclusive skills. Completing these could unlock new areas, items, or achievements.

  • Pet Trading System: We’re introducing a Pet Trading System that will allow users to trade pets with one another. Each user can include up to 5 pets in a single trade, making it easy to exchange and acquire new companions.

  • Explore Feature Update: The Explore feature will be revamped to replace the current boxes with an interactive polygon/hex area around each location. When you hover over a location, the area will highlight and display the name of the location, providing a more immersive and intuitive navigation experience.

  • Location Lore Details: Each location within the Explore feature will include an (i) button. Clicking this button will reveal lore details about the location, enriching your exploration with background stories and information.

  • Pet Auras & Backgrounds: We’re adding new customization options for pets, including Pet Auras and Backgrounds. These items can be used to add a background to your pet or apply an aura effect to the image, allowing for unique and personalized customization. These effects can be either static or animated, giving your pets a distinctive look.

Forum Updates:

  • Enhanced Forum Functionality: - Completed Phase 1, Completed Phase 2, Phase 3 will include ability to have Signatures.

    We’re expanding the functionality of our forums with several new features, including the ability to @Ping members to notify them directly, add images using BBCode, and customize your signature area with graphics and text.

  • Forum Borders for Personalization: - Completed

    We’re introducing customizable forum borders, allowing you to personalize your account and make your forum presence uniquely yours.

  • Replies and Views Display: - Completed

    The forums will now display the number of replies and views for each thread underneath the thread title, making it easier to track engagement at a glance.

  • Unread Posts Notification Toggle: - Completed

    You’ll have the option to toggle on or off the notification for unread forum posts when viewing the forums, giving you control over how you manage new content.

  • Santae Discord Emojis: We’re adding Santae Discord Emojis to the on-site forums, allowing you to express yourself with familiar and fun emojis while participating in discussions.

  • Achievements Display: Achievements will be prominently displayed on your forum border, along with your Username, Post Count, Forum Avatar, and Persona, showcasing your accomplishments directly within your forum presence.

  • Forum Settings Page: - Partially Completed We’re introducing a Settings Page where you can customize your forum experience. This will include options to change your forum avatar, signature, forum borders, and manage your ability to be pinged.

  • BBCode Helper Utility: A new BBCode Helper Utility will be available in the forums, allowing you to easily use BBCode commands such as [ha-item:###], [forum-avatar:###], [pet-image:###], [ha:username], and [ha-image:username].

  • Forum Alerts Toggle: - Completed

    We’re adding a toggle feature for forums that allows you to turn alerts for new posts on your thread on or off, giving you more control over your notifications.

  • "Ping" Feature: - Completed

    A new "ping" feature will be introduced, allowing you to tag people by their username in your posts. This will notify them of a new post, ensuring they don’t miss important updates.

  • Mention Alerts Toggle: We’re adding a toggle for forum alerts related to mentions. You can turn these alerts on or off, and set it so that only friends can tag you, providing an extra layer of privacy.

Item Updates:

  • "Use With" Option Removal: - Completed

    We are removing the "use with" option from items that do not have a pet usage action attached to them. For example, if you try to add something to your shop while your pet is gathering, the current system might prevent it. This update will correct that issue, allowing you to manage items without unnecessary restrictions.

  • Shimmer Dust/Divine Figurine Restrictions: Shimmer Dust and Divine Figurines will no longer be usable on pets of the same color or species, preventing accidental duplication.

  • Preview Before Applying Changes: Completed

    When using a Shimmer Dust or Divine Figurine, a preview of your pet's before and after appearance will be displayed, allowing you to confirm the change before applying it.

  • Selected Pet Display: - Completed

    When using an item on a pet, the currently selected pet will be displayed on screen. As you change pets using the drop-down menu, the selected pet will be shown, ensuring you’re working with the right one.

  • Confirmation Pop-Up for Pet Items: - Completed

    Anytime you use an item on a pet, a confirmation pop-up will appear, displaying the selected pet along with its name. This ensures that you’re making changes to the correct pet.

  • Item Popup: We’re adding the item’s rarity and location found information to the Item Popup box, giving you more detailed insights at a glance.

  • Expanded Item Handling Pass: You’ll soon be able to hand over items for quests and other activities directly from your cellar, gallery, or shop—no longer limited to just your inventory. This will be available exclusively from the sanDust shop only, This pass is for a two week period.

  • "Buy All" Quest Items Pass: We’re introducing a "buy all" feature that allows you to purchase all required items for a quest with a single click, streamlining the process. This will be available exclusively from the sanDust shop only, This pass is for a two week period.

  • Wardrobe Previews: On every wearable item, similar to the cash shop currently, you can see what the image looks like as a wearable. You can view this by opening up the item in your inventory, and there will be an (I) button that will open up a popup to show you the wearable.

  • Item Database: This will be a complete onsite database of each and every item active in Santae. It will include where it came from and when it was released. Users can add things to their wishlist from here as well as anywhere you can click on the item to see information about it.

  • Fish Update: Every fish can be caught from fishing. Some can be minimals, some are fish you can use with cooking and feed to pets for pet food collection. However, every fish has a “weight” assigned to it. The better your equipment and the better your persona's fishing skill level, the bigger the fish you can obtain. This will create a high scores list as well. Fish can be added to your aquarium too.

New Features:

  • Bugcatching Mini-game: The Bugcatching Mini-game is an exciting new feature coming to Santae, as showcased in our Kickstarter Trailer. In this mini-game, you’ll explore various locations to catch a wide variety of bugs. While some bugs may be elusive and challenging to catch, that’s part of the fun! The thrill of the chase makes every catch rewarding, and even if you miss one, there's always another opportunity just around the corner.

  • Gardening: Gardening, as highlighted in our Kickstarter, will soon be available in Santae. In this feature, you’ll cultivate your own garden, growing a variety of plants, flowers, and herbs. While some plants might wilt if not properly cared for, there's always a silver lining—you can exchange those wilted plants for SanDust, turning a small setback into a chance to gain something valuable.

  • Mining: - Completed

    Showcased in our Kickstarter, mining will also be introduced in Santae. This feature allows you to dig for artifacts, ores, and gemstones in different mining locations. Sometimes, you might hit a rock that doesn't yield much, but that just means you're closer to finding the next big treasure. You can even dig up sD or sC! Fossils will also be aquireable from mining that can be used to create an unreleased extinct themed pets and minimals.

  • Referrals System: - V1.0 - Completed, V2.0 - In Progress We will be implementing a Referrals System in Santae that allows you to invite your friends to join the game. When a friend signs up using your referral link, both you and your friend will receive special rewards. These rewards can include in-game currency, exclusive items, or other bonuses that enhance your gameplay experience. The Referrals System is designed to encourage community growth and provide additional incentives for inviting others to explore the world of Santae with you.

  • Positive Random Events: - Completed

    Santae will feature Positive Random Events that can occur at any time during your gameplay. These events are designed to surprise and delight you with unexpected rewards, such as finding a SanCash Coin, SanPoints, SanDust, or random items. In addition to material rewards, you may also receive Positive Words of Encouragement notifications, which are meant to uplift your spirits and add a touch of positivity to your day.

  • Loyalty System: Our Loyalty System will reward you for logging in daily. Similar to alpha rewards, you’ll receive a unique reward each day for the first 7 days, with a larger reward on the 7th consecutive day. Each day, there will be preset tasks, such as completing a quest, buying an item from a user shop, gifting an item to a member, or posting on the forums, which you need to complete to receive your daily loyalty reward. Rewards can include sD, sP, random items, and even sC.

  • Scratchcards: Scratchcards will be a fun and positive feature in Santae, offering you the chance to win various rewards. Each scratchcard will have different prize levels, and you’ll have the opportunity to scratch off sections to reveal your prizes. The rewards could range from in-game currency to exclusive items and other bonuses.

  • Mini-Games: Enjoy classic mini-games such as Checkers, Tic-Tac-Toe, and Rock, Paper, Scissors in Santae Fasion and Style. These games offer a fun way to pass the time and compete with friends in Santae.

  • Shadow Berry Tree: - Completed

    The Shadow Berry Tree, similar to The Great Berry Tree, will be located in Shadow Veil Pass and has a dark aura surrounding it. This tree offers a whole new array of berries to obtain, adding depth and variety to your gathering activities.

  • Minimal Eggs & Hatching: Each minimal in Santae will have an XP bar. As you play normally with a minimal attached to your active pet, this bar will fill. Once it reaches the threshold, your minimal will lay an egg. To hatch the egg, simply equip it to your active pet, and continue playing as usual. The egg will hatch once it hits a certain threshold, and this applies to all minimals, including those from the cash shop.

  • Adding Additional Minimals Per Pet: You’ll be able to add additional minimals to each pet using Minimal Adoption Papers. These will be available in both the Cash Shop and SanDust Shop, allowing you to customize your pets with even more companions.

  • SanDust Shop: - Completed

    The SanDust Shop is a special marketplace where you can spend your earned SanDust, a currency you accumulate through various activities in Santae. In this shop, you can purchase items that are normally found in the cash shop, as well as exclusive SanDust-only items, such as the Grusim. The shop will continue to expand, offering more options over time, giving you a wider variety of items to enhance your gameplay experience.

  • Trades System: The Trades System allows you to trade items with other players. You can create as many trades as you like, each with up to 15 items. When setting up a trade, you can include a "Buy Now" option where you set a fixed price, and an "Offer" button, allowing others to propose their own offer using sP (SanPoints) or sC (SanCash). This system is designed to be flexible and user-friendly, making it easy to exchange items with other players.

  • Auctions System: The Auctions System is designed for items that might be difficult to sell directly. You can list items for auction, setting a starting price, a minimum bid, and an optional "Buy Now" price for those who want to purchase immediately. Auctions can last up to 3 days, giving other players time to place bids. This system provides a competitive marketplace where rare or valuable items can find the right buyer.

  • Banking Overhaul:
    • Bank Rework Overview: The bank rework introduces two major updates to enhance your banking experience in Santae.

    • Money-Themed Items: We’re releasing 15 money-themed items, each of which can be opened via your inventory to award sP. The lowest tier item is the "Money Jar" (awarding 10-25 sP), and the highest is the "Money Vault" (awarding 15,000 - 20,000 sP).

    • Opening via the Bank: Instead of opening these items via inventory, you can hand them over to Megan at the Bank to open them instead. The Money Jar would take 5 minutes to open, while the Money Vault would take 18 hours.

    • Timed Opening Rewards: At the specified "open time," **10x** the sP value of the item becomes available to claim from the bank. However, it then starts charging interest on the balance claimable. The value decreases by 5% every 15 minutes that pass, up to a maximum limit of 80% deducted if the player is 4 hours+ late to collect it. For example:
      • - The Money Jar would initially open at 100-250 sP but could reduce as low as 20-50 sP.
      • - The Money Vault would initially open at 150,000-200,000 sP but could reduce as low as 30,000-40,000 sP.

    • Bank Interest and Loyalty Points: The bank’s interest system will reset at midnight/rollover. Instead of earning sP as interest, players will earn "Bank Loyalty Points" (BLP), which are only displayed on the bank UI and aren’t a currency used elsewhere on the site.

    • BLP Earning System: Each tier of the bank will earn 1 additional BLP based on their bank sP level at midnight (e.g., Newbie = 1 BLP, Santarian = 10 BLP). Simply visiting the bank page automatically collects the BLP, adding it to your running total. BLP is non-tradeable.

    • Bank Tiers and Upgrades: Bank tiers will now be progressed by **paying sP to upgrade** instead of being based on your balance. This effectively turns your savings into an "investment."

    • BLP NPC Store: The bank will have its own dedicated NPC store, which ONLY accepts BLP currency. Items that randomly restock in this shop include:
      • - The 15 money-themed items
      • - A unique "gold" Shimmer Dust unobtainable from anywhere else
      • - Unique "gold" Divine Figurines of pets, unobtainable from anywhere else
      • - Unique "gold"-themed Human Avatar wearable items, unobtainable from anywhere else
      • - Other unique BLP-exclusive items

  • Wardrobe 2.0: - Completed

    The new Wardrobe system introduces a non-binary approach to clothing, allowing you to mix and match feminine, masculine, and gender-neutral items. You’ll also find new options for customizing your avatar, including additional expressions, skin tones, facial hair, revamped default hairstyles, and improved base models. The new layering system will make it easier to create and save outfits, allowing for quick changes. Unlike the previous static image storage, your Human Avatar (HA) will now be dynamically built when viewed, paving the way for exciting features like animated clothing and accessories.

  • Battle System: The new Animated Battle System, showcased in our Kickstarter, allows you to engage in battles against both NPC opponents and other players. Initially, you can challenge opponents or participate in PvE (Player vs. Environment) battles. As you explore the site, you may encounter random opponents, and if you defeat them, you might obtain their relic—a collectible item that allows you to battle them anytime in the arena. We’re also working on introducing multiplayer battles, adding another layer of competitiveness.

  • Cash Shop Releases Page: - Completed

    This page will keep you informed about all items released in the Cash Shop, along with the dates when they will return. The page will also indicate whether an item will reappear in the Cash Shop or as a free-play feature. For example, if a minimal is released in the Cash Shop and returns after five months, it might come back either in the Cash Shop or as a feature like herding. The return type will alternate with each release, ensuring a fair distribution between the Cash Shop and play-to-obtain methods.

  • Achievements System: The Achievements System is designed to reward you for simply playing the game. Each achievement has multiple levels, and as you progress, your Badge image updates to reflect your current level. These achievements can be displayed on your user profile, allowing you to showcase your accomplishments. Additionally, you can select your favorite achievement badge to display on your forum posts, adding a personalized touch to your account.

  • Abyssal Monster Update: - Majority Complete

    We’re introducing a new pet color—Abyssal Color, which is free to use(Color to be completed). Simply select a pet and leave it with the Abyssal Monster for 30 minutes. When you return, there’s a chance for your pet to change to the Abyssal color. If not, you’ll receive an Abyssal Shimmer Dust instead. Additionally, throwing an Abyssal Conch into the lake will guarantee the color change. To reduce the 24 hour cooldown timer by 4 hours, users can also throw edible items into the lake.

  • Minimal Impressions at Silvershade Ranch: This new collection feature allows you to take your active pet to Silvershade Ranch and participate in an impression mechanic. You’ll obtain an impression (footprint) of your minimal, which adds to a new collection. Achievements will be available for collecting a certain number of impressions, and these can also be used in quests or missions, adding a new layer of depth and engagement to the gameplay.

  • Username Changes: Users can change their username by using a Name Certificate. Once a new username is chosen, it’s added to a list in the user settings menu. Users can toggle between their usernames, with a cooldown period of 3-6 hours between changes. The new username becomes active immediately.

  • Pet Name Changes: - Completed

    Users can change the names of their pets currently on their account. When a pet’s name is changed, the old name becomes available again (if it was the first edition) or is deleted. If the new name is a first edition, the pet earns the First Edition badge. However, if a first edition pet changes its name to a non-first edition name, it loses its first edition status.

  • Pet Name Swap Certificate: This feature allows users to swap the names of their pets. For example, if a user has two pets named Ruby and Glasgow and wants to switch their names, this certificate can be used to make the swap.

  • Missions: We’re planning to rework the Missions system to transform it into questline RPG-style missions, moving away from simple fetch or collection tasks to create a more engaging and immersive experience.

  • Battle/Story Themed Plot: Future events will feature battle and story-themed plots where users' actions and decisions will determine the outcome, adding a layer of excitement and consequence to the gameplay.

  • Community Events: - Ongoing We’ll introduce more community events that unveil new lore and features as they are released, enriching the world of Santae and fostering a deeper connection among players.

  • Donation Shop/Location: The Donation Shop allows users to donate items, which newer players or those with less than a certain amount on their account can claim. Depending on the item’s rarity, players can grab up to five unique items before triggering a cooldown. Members who donate items earn SanDust, and the more they donate or gift, the higher their “Gifting Skill” becomes. This, in turn, increases the SanDust earned from quests and boosts reputation with NPCs, spreading kindness throughout the community.

  • NPC Relationships: You'll have a “Reputation” score with every NPC, starting on a positive note. NPCs will show different expressions based on your reputation level: a neutral face, cheerful face, or excited face—no negative expressions are included. Your interactions with NPCs directly impact your reputation. For shop NPCs, having an elated reputation gives you a 20% discount and increases the chances of rare items appearing during restocks. A happy reputation provides a 10% discount. In quests, a neutral reputation results in normal payouts, a happy reputation offers a 10% higher payout, and an elated reputation gives a 20% higher payout with the potential to earn double the usual amount of SanDust per quest and per hour. For teaching or battling NPCs, a better reputation means you’re more likely to receive bonus stats during training or learning sessions.

  • Weather System: The dynamic weather system will bring unique experiences either per player or across the entire site. The site will synchronize day/night cycles and seasons, but individual players might experience different weather conditions, such as rain, sunshine, or clouds, which will affect gameplay. For example, sunny weather might bring out specific minimals, while rainy weather could flood caverns, preventing exploration and harvesting. Snow might freeze water bodies, halting fishing but allowing other activities like gathering. Each weather condition offers distinct benefits, and seasonal changes will bring unique rewards for gathering.

User Experience Updates:

  • Interactive Tutorial: We’re excited to announce the upcoming addition of an interactive tutorial. As you join Santae and explore new pages for the first time, helpful pop-ups will appear, explaining each feature and guiding you on how to use it. This ensures you have a smooth and informed experience as you navigate the site.

  • New User Quest Walkthrough: We’re implementing a New User Quest Walkthrough that tailors your introduction to Santae based on the “Class” you select during signup. The NPC associated with your chosen Class will guide you through your first interactions, leading you to various parts of the site. Along the way, you’ll complete small quests and earn starter rewards, making your entry into Santae both fun and rewarding.

  • Class System: At the start of registration, you'll choose your persona's Class—Human, Pixie, Lycan, or Elven. After making your selection, you'll be guided to the New Wardrobe page to customize your persona’s look and outfit. This process also serves as an introduction to the wardrobe system, ensuring you’re familiar with how it works from the very beginning.

  • Friends System: - Completed

    We’re introducing a Friends System that will enhance your social interactions in Santae. Your friends can join you on adventures through the Adventure Party feature, allowing you to participate in activities and quests together as a group. Your friends list will also be prominently displayed on your user profile.

  • Wishlist System: We’re adding a Wishlist System, which will be displayed on your User Profile. Other users can visit this page to see the items you’re currently seeking. The Wishlist also includes a gift option, allowing others to send you items from your list, either anonymously or with their username included.

  • Stackable Trophies: Trophies will now be stackable, so if you win an event or competition more than once, you’ll receive an additional trophy for each victory. For example, if you win the "Sword in the Stone" challenge multiple times, you’ll collect a trophy for each win, showcasing your continued success.

  • Quickstock: Easily manage your inventory with Quickstock, now enhanced with the ability to specify quantities when moving items.

  • Combined Gathering and Berry Tree Mechanics: We’re merging the gathering and Berry Tree features for a more interactive experience. Now, you can pick and interact with what you're gathering directly. Timers will be added to each location in the gathering menu, so you’ll know exactly when they become available. Gooppers will now be an optional item you can choose to gather, rather than being automatically received, making the gathering experience more engaging.

  • Hide/Show CSS: Gain more control over your browsing experience with the ability to hide or show custom CSS on profiles, shops, galleries, pet profiles, and more. This feature lets you toggle between the original and customized designs with ease.

  • Storybook: Dive into the rich lore of Santae with the Storybook feature, where you can read up on all past community events and the stories of our NPCs on their adventures and discoveries. This is your go-to place for reliving the tales that have shaped our world.

  • Accessibility: - Continually Ongoing We’re Committed to Accessibility at Santae, we’re always thinking about the future accessibility of the site. Our team is working on implementing hot keys, offering the site in multiple languages, and continuously refining features to ensure the best user experience. Our goal is to make Santae accessible and enjoyable for everyone, no matter how they choose to engage with our world.

  • Silvershade Freebies: - Completed

    New to Santae or just getting started? Silvershade has you covered! If your account is new (24-48 hours old) or you have less than 300k sP, Silvershade will provide you with free herding materials to help you get on your feet and start building your adventure.

Longterm Goals / Stretch Goals:

  • Persona Skills: Your HA (Human Avatar) will have the ability to learn and grow, just like your pet. Persona skills will start based on the star sign you choose during registration, after selecting your Class—Lycan, Human, Elven, or Pixie. Each star sign comes with a base set of stats and determines which deity you encounter first. Persona skills range from Education, Culinary Arts, Smithing, Alchemy, and more. You’ll start as a novice in each skill; for example, in Alchemy, you’ll begin by learning basic potion recipes, such as mini health and mana potions for your pet. As you advance, you’ll unlock more powerful items to create. In Cooking, you might initially burn your dishes (luckily, the Abyssal Monster loves burnt food), but as your skill improves, you’ll unlock new recipes and gain the ability to create items useful in gameplay. Your persona also levels up in activities like fishing, gathering, bug collecting, gardening, and mining through your pet’s efforts. While your pet performs these tasks, your persona’s higher skill level will allow you to provide better equipment and knowledge, leading to better rewards.

  • Cooking: Cooking Feature Completed, Ongoing

    The Cooking feature will soon be added to Santae, where you can create a variety of dishes using ingredients collected from your adventures. Early on, you might burn a few dishes, but don’t worry—the Abyssal Monster has a taste for burnt food, so nothing goes to waste! As you experiment and improve, your culinary skills will grow, allowing you to create even more delicious and useful meals.

  • Crafting: - Crafting Feature Completed, Ongoing

    Crafting is a persona skill where you learn and acquire recipes, improving your skill level through practice. This could involve simple tasks, like threading a needle in a small animated game, which helps you build your crafting skill. As you advance, you'll be able to create items such as Sewing Kits, which in turn allow you to produce cloth and other materials.

  • Questline System: The questline system offers a continuous and immersive experience where one quest leads to another. For example, you might start a quest that requires you to obtain a specific book. To get the book, you would need to complete a mini-game. Once you return the book, the quest giver rewards you with one of many possible items and introduces the next quest. This next quest could be another task from the same giver or a quest that directs you to another NPC. The questline system will play a significant role in the “Factions System,” providing an engaging journey.

  • Factions: Santae will feature five unique factions, each with its own set of quests, challenges, perks, and rewards. Progressing to the highest rank within a faction is designed to be a rewarding challenge, requiring dedication and effort. This involves completing a variety of quests, engaging in battles, and participating in games as you work through the faction's questlines. The factions offer a deep, long-term progression system that adds layers of strategy and achievement to your gameplay experience.

  • Adventure Crew: Team up with up to five friends in an Adventure Crew to boost your collective SanDust earnings when everyone checks in. The bonus rate scales based on your crew’s activity, ranging from 1.05x to 1.5x. To maintain crew stability and encourage ongoing participation, joining or leaving an Adventure Crew comes with a cooldown period, potentially 3-7 days. This ensures that groups of friends are more likely to stay together and motivate each other to play regularly.

  • SanDust Boost: Your crew can pool together resources and donate 10 million sP to activate a 1.5x SanDust bonus across the site for one hour. Similarly, crews can donate sP to increase quest payouts by 1.25x, though this will be carefully balanced to avoid inflation. These sP sinks are designed to be expensive but worthwhile, especially when all crew members are online and benefiting from the boosts.

  • Exclusive Crew Perks: Being part of a crew comes with additional rewards, such as claimable bonuses, a free elite pouch daily, and other unique perks that make participation more rewarding.

  • Adventure Crew Multiplayer Battles: Engage in multiplayer battles alongside your crew members, enhancing the cooperative experience and adding a layer of strategy to your gameplay.

  • Visual Enhancements: When gathering resources with your Adventure Crew, you'll be able to see your party members' pets alongside your own, adding a visual sense of teamwork as you all work together.

  • Future Community Events: Santae offers a dynamic Community Events feature, where players can engage in a variety of exciting activities that bring the community together. Existing events like discovering the Goopper Grotto, taming the Grusim, and participating in Minimal Herding with Silvershade have already captured the imaginations of players. These events not only offer unique challenges and rewards but also foster collaboration and friendly competition within the community. Looking ahead, joining an Adventure Crew will unlock even more thrilling events where crews can compete against each other, further strengthening bonds and adding a competitive edge to Santae.

  • HTML5 Games: Get ready for a diverse collection of HTML5 games, offering a variety of gameplay experiences! From Tower Defense and Matching Games to Memory and Racing Games, there’s something for everyone. These games are designed to be fun and engaging, ensuring endless entertainment for all players.

  • Customizable Club/Clan/Guild System: Build and customize your own club, clan, or guild to create the perfect community space. With the ability to use HTML and CSS, you can design it to match your vision. Enjoy instant messaging within clubs, embark on adventures together like defeating powerful boss-level opponents, and tackle club-exclusive quests to unlock rare loot. Clubs can even have their own shops exclusively for members.

  • Expanded Animated Wardrobe Items: - Ever Expanding We're dedicated to enhancing your wardrobe experience with a growing collection of top-quality animated items. Imagine your hair blowing in the wind, flickering candles casting a warm glow, or the tail of your lycan persona swishing back and forth. The possibilities are endless!

  • Aquarium Feature: The Aquarium is a dynamic, interactive feature where you can showcase the fish you've caught while fishing. Located under the "Habitats" section of your user profile, the aquarium allows you to display your prized catches, interact with them, feed them, swap them out, and even upgrade and decorate your aquarium to reflect your unique style.

  • Terrarium Feature: Similar to the Aquarium, the Terrarium is designed to house the rare bugs you've captured. Display your insect collection with pride, interact with your bugs, and personalize the terrarium with decorations to create a space that's entirely your own.

  • Minimal Habitats: Depending on the type of minimal you own, you start with a basic habitat that can hold up to five minimals. These habitats are animated, allowing your minimals to move around and interact with you. You can feed them treats, play with them, and upgrade your habitat to accommodate more minimals or change the scenery to suit your preferences.

  • Santae's Mystic Adventure: - Phase 1 has began! Make sure to check back every monday for our Mystic Adventure Monday update! An exhilarating new game mode inspired by the fun and competition of classic board games and party-style challenges. In this exciting feature, players will navigate magical game boards, racing to collect items and complete quests while engaging in mini-games that test their skills, strategy, and luck. Compete with friends or team up to overcome tricky challenges, with each turn bringing new surprises, power-ups, and obstacles.

  • Multiplayer Battle Feature: This expansion will allow parties of up to 50 players to join forces and take on monumental bosses in dynamic, animated combat. Experience the excitement and strategy of large-scale battles as you and your adventure party coordinate attacks, manage roles, and leverage unique abilities to defeat these formidable foes.

  • Animated Web Series: This series will vividly bring to life the rich lore and thrilling adventures of Vespera and the rest of the Adventurers. This series will explore the captivating stories and characters of Santae's magical realm, featuring animations that highlight its enchanting essence. From epic quests to the detailed histories of diverse inhabitants, the series will expand the universe beyond the game, offering a new and exciting way for fans to engage with the world of Santae.

***This list can be updated at anytime, keep up-to-date to monitor any changes, when any changes or new content has been made it will be notated with an *

This list was last updated Feburary 27th, 2025