148 Players Online
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28th March
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Account Protection Guarantee

30-Day User Protection Guarantee
At Santae, the security and protection of our users' accounts are of utmost importance. We maintain comprehensive logs of all user activity, including but not limited to item purchases, password changes, and email address updates.

In the event of any account-related issues, such as unauthorized access, scams resulting in the loss of items or currency, or unreturned lent items, users are entitled to assistance under our Account Protection Guarantee.

Users have a 30-day window to report any suspected unauthorized access or scams. Reports should be made through a Support Ticket at the earliest opportunity to ensure prompt resolution. Our logging system allows us to efficiently investigate claims, restore lost items, currency, or pets, and take appropriate action against those responsible.

For reporting unauthorized access or password changes, users must email support@santae.net from the email address associated with their Santae account. It is the user's responsibility to keep their email address up-to-date to facilitate the verification process.

Please note the following limitations:
  • Users are permitted a maximum of two claims per month under this guarantee.
  • Claims must be made within the 30-day window following the incident.
  • Failure to maintain account security or delayed reporting may result in the inability to recover stolen items, currency, or pets.

Our 30-Day User Protection Guarantee ensures that your account remains secure and protected against potential scams and unauthorized access.

Account Penalties

Single Account Rule
Users are permitted only one account per person. Any attempt to circumvent this rule by maintaining or utilizing multiple accounts for personal gain, such as acquiring items or points, will result in permanent account suspension. This includes instances where items and points are transferred between family members' or friends' accounts with minimal activity, solely for the purpose of accumulating resources. Our vigilant logging system ensures swift detection of rule violations.

Account Penalties
Violation of our Terms and Conditions will incur penalties tailored to the severity of the offense. Consequences may include the loss of sP, items, or resetting of pet stats. In extreme cases, access to the account may be permanently revoked.

Chat Bans
Infractions related to chat features, including Forums, Blogs, SanMail, Club Chat, and Discord, will be met with escalating chat bans. Offenses typically result in a progression from a 1-hour ban to longer durations, with repeat violations leading to permanent chat bans. Creating new accounts to circumvent chat bans will result in all associated accounts being frozen, and permanent chat bans will apply to future accounts.

Engaging in scamming activities, including attempting to deceive others for personal gain, will result in warnings, fines, or removal of items or pets, depending on the severity of the offense. Soliciting another player's password will lead to immediate and permanent account suspension. Continued attempts to scam others after warnings may result in permanent account suspension without further notice.