141 Players Online
00:00:00 SST
3rd March
00:00:00 SST
Alpha Testing Information


* We're looking for a variety of people from different timezones, interests, play-styles, and expertises to test Santae during this Alpha Testing Phase!

* The cut off date for turning in applications is August 25th, 2024 at 23:59CST.


* A minimum age of 13 is required to play Santae!

* Kindness and Positivity are encouraged and rewarded, we appreciate you all!


* Be part of our alpha testing community and unlock exclusive rewards including an exclusive forum avatar, a trophy for your profile, alpha tester themed clothing items, Exclusive Blepp & Raylen Divine Figurines and will also receive a FREE Beta Access Key when Santae moves into the Beta Testing Phase.

Alpha Tester Avatar Alpha Tester Trophy
Alpha Tester Shirt Hover Image Shirt
Alpha Tester Shirt v2 Hover Image Shirt v2
Alpha Tester Banner Hover Image Banner

* Hover over the Clothing Items for a preview of what they look like on your Avatar!

* Alpha and Beta Testers will also have the ability to create an exclusive pet, the Blepp, which will be unavailable post-launch for an unknown amount of time. We have also added a SECOND exclusive pet which every Alpha Tester will also be awarded, the Raylen, as a thank you. Enjoy your well-deserved perks!

Blepp Pet Raylen Pet


* Assistant applications are currently open and we are actively searching for potential team members with a strong desire to learn and grow with our dynamic staff team!

* To maintain fairness, please refrain from discussing your application status, as all submissions are reviewed anonymously.


*** In the meantime, be sure to join our Discord server for updates, engaging community discussions and all things Santae!***


* To change your Discord Server Name on Desktop: Right-click on your name in the list on the left of the screen and look for Edit Server Profile, you can change it from there.

* To change your Discord Server Name on Mobile: Swipe from left to right, click the three dots at the top next to the server name, and tap "Change Nickname."

* Staff may also change your nickname on the Discord server to match your username on Santae. If you need assistance changing your nickname on Discord please reach out to any staff member.