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15th February
00:00:00 SST

Patch Notes

15 Feb, 2025

#17 The new candies were allowing you to add them to Toy Collection this has been removed and replaced with Food Collection. Any of the new candy items you already added to a pets toy collection have been transferred to it's food collection.
#16 The new Roseweaver Grotto location will now correctly show day/night images once you're in the grotto based on the current site banner.
#15 The Petrastone Machine and Resurrection Machine have now been removed from the Explore drop down and moved over to the Landmarks page

14 Feb, 2025

#14 Fixed an issue where pet name papers were not working after the most recent inventory update.
#13 We've added a new 'Events' forum category for discussion of event-related features, content and mechanics.
#12 Inventory "send" action has been updated and now includes additional options when sending an item.

13 Feb, 2025

#11 Fertilizereffectiveness has been boosted!
#10 Both berry trees will be temporarily going offline shortly for a maintenance update.

12 Feb, 2025

#9 Blocked Users - Unable to send items via inventory between blocker/blockee. Instead it will emulate that the receiver has gifting turned off.
#8 Blocked Users - Are unable to view each others usershop, wont appear on the usershops list for each other, and wont show each other's items when using price check
#7 Blocked Users - Blocking a user on the forums will now hide all their posts (and yours from them) on the forums. Additionally topics created by either party will not show at all to each other.
#6 Blocked Users - SanMail received from a blocked user will appear to go through on their side, but you will not be notified / it will not be in your inbox.
#5 Blocked Users - Profiles now adhere to this. Adding someone to your block list will prevent you from seeing each other's
#4 Blocked Users - Online List now adheres to this. Adding someone to your block list will prevent you from seeing either other on the online list.
#3 "Friends" added to Social Dropdown menu.
#2 Hey Testers! We're now ready to start testing our friend system! Feel free to add your friends and test it out. We're still rolling out other updates (eg, "add" button on profiles etc). We'll post in the news once this is fully rolled out / added to main menu. [Friends]( https://www.santae.net/friends )

11 Feb, 2025

#1 This is the first patch note to test our new On-site Patch Note system. The page is now live onsite.