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Making Adventure Music!

21 May, 2024

Published by: The Santae Team

🎼 Instruments to Create the Perfect Adventure Music 🎶

Did you catch our subtle spoilers in our last news post? If you did, you'd have gotten a peek at the new instruments that were just added to our new shop Harmony Haven

Visit Melody and see what she has in store for you -- perhaps you'll find some instruments to take with you on your journey so you can create the perfect adventure music for you and your pets! Here are but a few examples of what you may find in stock...

Arcane Cymbals
Arcane Cymbals
Arcane Horn
Arcane Horn
Arcane Maracas
Arcane Maracas
Archipelagos Tuba
Archipelagos Tuba
Abyssal Clarinet
Abyssal Clarinet
Flamefall Fiddle
Flamefall Fiddle
Flamefall Flute
Flamefall Flute
Flamefall Tambourine
Flamefall Tambourine
Solar Sands Trumpet
Solar Sands Trumpet
Solar Sands Sitar
Solar Sands Sitar
Santae Storm Horn
Santae Storm Horn
Sunken Violin
Sunken Violin
Trench Timpani
Trench Timpani
Trench Triangle
Trench Triangle
Twilight Lyre
Twilight Lyre
Shadowmare Trumpet
Shadowmare Trumpet

Thirs Tee is needing Refreshed!

Thirs Tee is now asking for the new Drinks from Coff-Tea and Crystal Myxers

Don't Forget to Claim Your Alpha Rewards!

Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Tester Banner
Alpha Tester Banner

Every Day at Site Reset (00:00:00 SST), Alpha Testers can go HERE to receive a sP (our main currency) bonus! Occasionally there will also be some items that may come in handy to you during your time 
Alpha Testing!

What A Week!

19 May, 2024

Published by: The Santae Team


We are officially one week into Alpha Testing, and what a week it has been! First we want to say Thank You to all of our Alpha Testers! You all have been providing crucial information that has been so helpful for the development of Santae, whether it be from reporting errors and bugs, or providing amazing suggestions -- all of your hard work is very much appreciated! Next, we want to give a huge shoutout to our staff team who have been working tirelessly in each of their respective roles: without you all Santae would not be the amazing place it is becoming. 

 Some Insights  

In just a week there have been over 400 Pets Created, over 20,000 items Created, thousands of quests have been completed, unique custom user profiles have been made and so much more! It is so amazing that we are progressing every day. We will be continuing to bring new content for you all to enjoy and test. We have much more planned to release, so stick around each and everyday to see what is new! 

  Second Wave of Alpha Testers  

We have opened up Alpha Testing applications once more, we will be accepting 50-100+ new Alpha Testers to add to our current amazing group! If you have someone in mind that you think would be a good fit for Alpha Testing then be sure to tell them we are accepting applications from now until 06/05/24!  We will begin approving applications in the next 7 days, so look forward to some new faces soon! 

  Alpha Referral Contest 

We are thrilled to announce the reopening of our Referral Contest in conjunction with  the reopening of Alpha Applications! For every approved Alpha Tester who uses your username as their referrer, you will receive one ticket to enter a raffle for the chance to win an Exclusive Wispyr Pet. The contest will run until Alpha Applications close, and winners will be selected one week later. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to earn this Rare Exclusive Pet! Start referring now and increase your chances of winning this coveted Pet! Good Luck!!

  Don't Forget to Claim Your Alpha Rewards! 

Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Tester Banner
Alpha Tester Banner

Every Day at Site Reset (00:00:00 SST), Alpha Testers can go HERE to receive an sP (our main currency) bonus! Occasionally there will also be some items that may come in handy to you during your time 
Alpha Testing!

Time To Start Hunting!

18 May, 2024

Published by: The Santae Team

Discover Hidden Avatars and Default Pet Avatars!

Exciting News for All Adventurers!

Our world is now filled with Hidden Avatars waiting to be discovered. Show off your Avatar on the Forums and collect them all! Here are some hints to help you get started in uncovering these special avatars:

Play Around the Site: Explore far and wide across the site -- you never know where a hidden avatar might be lurking!

Games: Achieving a high score or completing specific tasks in mini games may unlock a nifty new avatar.

NPC Shops: Visit the NPC shops and see what unique items they have for sale. You might get more than you bargained for!

Special Items: Using certain items may trigger the appearance of hidden avatars... 

It's time to start hunting -- add these unique avatars to your collection!


Default Avatars

We currently have 12 Default Avatars you can choose from in the Settings Page. You can display these on the Forums and show off your favorite Pet!



Don't Forget to Claim Your Alpha Rewards!

Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Tester Banner
Alpha Tester Banner

Every Day at Site Reset (00:00:00 SST), Alpha Testers can go HERE to receive an sP (our main currency) bonus! Occasionally there will also be some items that may come in handy to you during your time 
Alpha Testing!

Mixers, Coffee and Teas Galore!

18 May, 2024

Published by: The Santae Team

We hope that adventuring has made you thirsty because…

Crystal Myxers, located in Guardians Keep, is now stocking 24 new drinks! Head over to her shop to try all the new flavors:

Dusky Veil
Dusky Veil
Lerks Lush Libation
Lerks Lush Libation
Nochturn Nectar Nightcap
Nochturn Nectar Nightcap
Nontras Neon Nip
Nontras Neon Nip
Luminary Light
Luminary Light

Ogreling Olden Stout
Ogreling Olden Stout
Abyssal Depths
Abyssal Depths
Everwood Spirit
Everwood Spirit
Guardian's Gold
Evergreen Chalice
Evergreen Chalice

Valarian Vanilla Vortex
Valarian Vanilla Vortex
Blepp Blue Brew
Blepp Blue Brew
Rattlinz Raspberry Radler
Rattlinz Raspberry Radler
Islanders Bliss
Islanders Bliss

Direfang Dagger Drip
Direfang Dagger Drip
Isles' Sunburst
Guardian's Elixir
Moonlit Serenity
Moonlit Serenity
Celestial Splash
Celestial Splash

Oceania's Mystery
Desert Mirage
Desert Mirage
Rompers Redcurrant Rush
Rompers Redcurrant Rush
Shimmerint Shine Slushie
Shimmerint Shine Slushie
Pippims Peach Punch
Pippims Peach Punch

The Coff-Tea Shop, located in Azure Abyss, is restocking 7 new brews! Check them out:

Titans Brew
Titans Brew
Vale's Dream
Haven's Solace
Veil's Whisper

Seraphic Nectar
Seraphic Nectar
Seraphic Sip
Seraphic Sip
Luminous Dew
Luminous Dew

Your Next Adventure Awaits
Join our Moderator Team!

Santae is on the lookout for dedicated Moderators to join our team! If you’re 18 or older and have a
  minimum of 20 hours per month to dedicate to 
moderating, we want to hear from you.                   

Moderators play a crucial role in maintaining a positive and welcoming environment in our Forums and Online Discord Server. While we value seasoned and experienced moderators, we’re also eager to train individuals with the right personalities and a willingness to learn.

At Santae, our staff are compensated with Cash Points for their time and efforts spent on staffing each month.
If you’re passionate about fostering a supportive community and upholding our community guidelines, apply now to become a Moderator at Santae!

Don't Forget to Claim Your Alpha Rewards!

Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Explorer Shirt
Alpha Tester Banner
Alpha Tester Banner

Every Day at Site Reset (00:00:00 SST), Alpha Testers can go HERE to receive a sP (our main currency) bonus! Occasionally there will also be some items that may come in handy to you during your time 
Alpha Testing!

A Wild Nochturn Appears

17 May, 2024

Published by: The Santae Team

A wild Nochturn has appeared!

Natural Nochturn

The Nochturn is the 12th pet to be available and can now be created in Create a Pet

The Nochturn also comes in all of the current 10 colors.

Charcoal Nochturn

Chalk Nochturn

Carnation Nochturn

Calil Nochturn

Chateau Nochturn

Carrot Nochturn

Crimson Nochturn

Canary Nochturn

Cerulean Nochturn

Carbon Nochturn