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22nd June


A Legendary Egg... Stocking in a Shop?!

05 Jun, 2024

Published by: Sky

A Legendary Egg in the Alchemy Shop!

Greetings! I am the Alchemist Naveen, and you must be one of the brave adventurers that Vixon told me would come by! He came to me in the early hours of the morning and told me of your travels... With my unique position as the owner of the Shadow Alchemy shop, Vixon thought it would be appropriate for me to sell the dragon eggs here! I am thrilled to tell you that this Legendary item is now stocking exclusively in my shop!

Common Harlowin Egg
Common Harlowin Egg

Vixon sourced these eggs from the legendary Flamefall Cascades. When the magic in the Lava Cave is at its fullest, you'll be able to hatch the egg in the nest there!

As you know, these eggs are incredibly hard to find! I will stock them when I can but you may have to check back regularly to see if I have stocked another...

Legendary Winners

05 Jun, 2024

Published by: mj

Alpha Referral Contest Winners

We received hundreds of applications to join our Alpha Testing during our second and last round of applications, and during that time hosted a referral contest! The amount of referrals this time was so overwhelming that we decided to double the amount of winners this time around!
Congratulations to our TEN lucky winners - Enoch, malafightSetzer, Ali, Meep, Nyx, Cupcake, Fran, ErmineLeader and EclipseDragon!

They all referred at least one alpha tester have all been selected to win a

Divine Common Wispyr Figurine
Divine Common Wispyr Figurine

Which when used, will turn your pet into a 

Common Wispyr

This pet, just like the Blepp is part of the "Radiant" Rarity. The enigmatic and alluring Radiant pets shine with unparalleled brilliance and majesty, symbolizing the ultimate pinnacle of divine blessing and pet rarity on Santae

Anyone who referred at least one alpha tester (regardless of their application results) have all been awarded a

"Bring a Friend" Referral Medal
If you did refer at least one player and did not receive a medal for your referral(s) please contact Management and we'll get you sorted out! Thank you

A New Level of Rarity

Introducing a new rarity tier: Legendary! Legendary items are even more rare and valuable than Epic items. They will stock less frequently and come at a higher price. However, you will not be required to collect them for quests, allowing you to appreciate their unique value without the pressure of quest demands. We've added 5 new Legendary items to our NPC Shops - good luck on your hunt to find and collect them all!

Celestial Tiara
Celestial Tiara
Kyree Kingdom
Kyree Kingdom
Campfire S’mores
Campfire S’mores

The Nest

04 Jun, 2024

Published by: Sky

🪹 The Nest

Vixon and his small band of adventurers continued on down the corridor on the left. Though outwardly, he appeared calm, Vixon could feel his heart pounding in his chest. It seemed to match the pulsing of the egg in his knapsack. After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, they came across the next split in the tunnel.

With bated breath, Vixon examined the walls... and found the  mark that he left many weeks ago!

"We're on the right path," he exclaimed. The egg in his bag seemed to grow warmer with his words. The group murmured with excitement and everyone seemed to find the energy to pick up their pace. They pressed onward and passed another dozen splits in the labyrinth, and with each step, the egg seemed to grow more and more active.

Just as Vixon decided to remove the glowing egg from his bag, the band of adventurers stepped into an open cavern. The air here was different and felt charged with an indescribable energy -- one that Vixon remembered fearing the first time he experienced it. This time, the charged air made him confident. The nest was here

Vixon led the group directly to the nest -- every step he took was filled with purpose and conviction. He knew that returning the egg to the nest was the right thing to do. They spotted the nest and immediately the egg flashed with a scorching heat -- so hot that Vixon almost dropped it. Everyone gathered around the nest in quiet awe and watched as Vixon placed it back into the nest.

Immediately the egg ceased pulsing and flared so bright that the adventurers were forced to cover their eyes. With a thunderous crack, the light ceased. When they all looked back at the nest, they found...

Vixon and his little group stared at the baby dragon in awed silence, each in disbelief that they were looking at the first living dragon in centuries. The dragon chirruped at them happily and flopped out of the remains of the shell, looking for its balance and trying to get on its feet. 

The group gave the little one some space -- it was clear that it could already breathe fire but could not control it. As they all watched it curiously, Vixon looked around. The energy that had crackled in the cave had become subdued. It was still there, but it had become a low hum that was reminiscent of his first experience in the cave so many weeks ago. Yet... he could feel something pulling him to the back of the cave. Vixon followed his intuition and disappeared around a corner...

... where he found two more eggs! They seemed dormant, and did not pulse like the egg they had just hatched. Vixon brought them back to the nest, pushed aside the broken remnants of the hatched egg, and placed another into the nest.

To everyone's disappointment, nothing happened.

"The magic in this cave must recharge. We will return when these eggs tell us that it is time." The adventurers nodded in agreement. Vixon carefully gathered the hatchling in his arms and they reluctantly filed out of the cave, one by one.

As they made their way out of the labyrinth, Vixon noticed something curious. The hatchling seemed to mature with every step! By the time they reached the area where they split off with the other group, the hatchling was twice its original size! The group marveled at the magical growth of the little one, and by the time they set eyes on the Sun again, the dragon was a baby no more. 

The Cavern in the Volcano

03 Jun, 2024

Published by: Sky

🌋 The Cavern in the Volcano

As the new day dawned, Vixon gathered his band of volunteers and they set off for the top of the volcano. They left the safety of the town behind in the early hours of the morning, made their way to the volcano and slowly made their way up the treacherous mountainside, forced to take several detours around active streams of flowing lava. The sun was high in the sky when the party finally found the small yet distinct opening that Vixon remembered so clearly and visited nightly in his dreams.

The group took a short pause just inside the opening to gather themselves in the heat of the day and the volcano itself. Vixon rallied them, "The egg has grown warmer to the touch and the pulses have grown stronger! It senses the nest and longs to be reunited. We are close and must press on, and while the climb was hard, these tunnels present their own challenge. These tunnels create a labyrinth and it is easy to get lost. Luckily, on my last trip here, I marked each fork that I took with this symbol on the wall with a chisel and hammer: . We will look for it and all will be well." 

The group made its way deeper and deeper into the maze... After dozens of forks, splits, twists and turns, the party came to a standstill. Fear grew amongst the party -- they were going to get lost in here with no end in sight! Several hours later, the party came to a complete standstill: there was a split in the tunnel and... no marking was to be found

Exclamations of frustration and despair echoed through the tunnel but Vixon kept his calm.

"I will take half of the party down the tunnel on the left, and the rest of you will go down the tunnel to the right.  Who will lead the others in my place?"

A young woman with pointed ears stepped forward -- "I will."

"Very well, VesperaTake time and care to mark the tunnels so you can find your way out. We will reunite on the outside. Have heart and take care!" With that, Vixon took a small group and they disappeared into the darkness on the left.

The other group went right... and encountered yet another fork in the tunnels, not more than a few minutes later. With Vespera at the helm, they decided to keep going right and marked the tunnel walls accordingly. After about another hour, the tunnel opened up into a giant cavern that was lit by the hot glow of lava. It was by the light of magma that the adventurers discovered... paintings?

The walls of the cavern were strewn with illustrations of dragons! The adventurers marveled at the beauty and detail of each one. Towards the center of the cavern, they noticed two dragons, painted larger and more clearly than the rest. 

The adventurers marveled at their findings but noted the absence of any nest.

Out of the corner of her eye, Vespera noticed a perfectly circular hole in the very center of the cavern, just wide enough for one to squeeze through...

Express Yourself!

03 Jun, 2024

Published by: mj

🌈 New Pronoun and Pride Avatars 

We've just expanded our Default Forum Avatars to include Seven New options that celebrate both Pronouns and Pride. Show your support and celebrate diversity by updating your avatar with one of these vibrant new options!
Reminder: You can change your Forum Avatar on the Settings Page.

Show Your Pride: Long Sleeves Edition! 🏳️‍🌈

Serlina is excited to announce that her Clothing Boutique has just received a new collection of Pride long sleeve shirts. Come celebrate and show your support with these vibrant, stylish additions to your wardrobe!

Ace Long Sleeve
Ace Long Sleeve
Aromantic Long Sleeve
Aromantic Long Sleeve
Rainbow Long Sleeve
Rainbow Long Sleeve
Genderfluid Long Sleeve
Genderfluid Long Sleeve
Genderqueer Long Sleeve
Genderqueer Long Sleeve
Lesbian Long Sleeve
Lesbian Long Sleeve
Nonbinary Long Sleeve
Nonbinary Long Sleeve
Bi Long Sleeve
Bi Long Sleeve

Pride Long Sleeve
Pride Long Sleeve
Pride Long Sleeve v1
Pride Long Sleeve v1
Pride Long Sleeve v2
Pride Long Sleeve v2

Alpha Applications & Referral Contest Update

Alpha Tester applications are now closed. This comes about three days early of the deadline that we previously announced via our social media platforms because we received an overwhelming and unexpected welcome from the petsite-loving community and received hundreds of applications to join. We are so humbled by the love and support that the community has shown us thus far.

Winners of our Wispyr Raffle Referral Contest will be announced on 5 June - stay tuned! All participants, regardless of whether or not their referral(s) were approved will receive the 

"Bring a Friend" Referral Medal
Thank you to you all for your belief and support throughout this process and we hope to continue to make Santae an amazing, welcoming and fun place for all.