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Avatar Collectors Rejoice!

07 Jun, 2024

Published by: CJ

Avatar Collectors Rejoice! 

Ten New Hidden Avatars have been scattered around the site - good luck hunting them down!

The Agender Avatar has been added to the Default Avatars available to everyone!
Reminder: You can change your Forum Avatar on the Settings Page.

Pride Pins

 Nadia's Jewelry is now stocking a new 

Agender Pin
Agender Pin

that can be added to your wardrobe and used with your HA! At a later time you will have the ability to add these pins to your profile! More information about adding pins to your profile will be available during Beta

Enchanting Little Pipsqueaks

07 Jun, 2024

Published by: Sky

Hello fellow Santarians! I am Vivian, your trusted curator of enchantments, with a spellbinding announcement! Our delightful Pipsqueak Shimmer Dust is now on sale!

Pipsqueak Shimmer Dust
Pipsqueak Shimmer Dust

Imagine your precious pet transformed with a sprinkle of this magical dust – their appearance will change to a much cuter, babified version, reminding them (and you!) of their adorable days as babies. Their tiny paws, big eyes, and irresistible charm will be back, making every moment with them even more enchanting.

Look how adorable they are - wouldn't you agree?! Every species known to exist so far can experience this magical dust - click here to view how each species is affected!

And here’s the exciting part: for the next 48 hours, we’re stocking this enchanting dust more frequently and offering it for less than it would normally cost! After this special period, it will adjust to its regular rate and Legendary rarity. So, don’t miss this magical opportunity!

So, why wait? Unleash the magic within your pets and let them dazzle with a fresh, heart-melting look! Visit Vivian's Magical Dust today and let the transformation begin!

Embrace the magic, embrace the wonder! ✨

With shimmering love,


From Legends to Reality!

06 Jun, 2024

Published by: CJ

Hello adventurers, Vixon here. I've begun hearing reports of legendary dragons seen flying around Aleriea and Valaria. I assume you were successful in locating the lava caves, thanks to my markings on the wall. The energy in those caves must be recharging more frequently. Now, I think it's time I finally explain the legend behind the dragon you're encountering. This dragon's name is Harlowin.

The Harlowin is a majestic dragon, reigning supreme over what is now known as the Flamefall Cascades. With vibrant scales that gradate from a deep brown to a fiery orange, and grand wings that capture the essence of cascading lava flows, the Harlowin is a creature of awe and legend. Its piercing amber eyes and the singular gem set upon its forehead are said to be born of the very magma that forges the heart of the land.

During the Great War, the Harlowin played a pivotal role, commanding the elemental forces of fire and magma to defend the realms against the encroaching darkness. Its mere presence on the battlefield was enough to turn the tide -- its fiery breath melted the strongest of armors and its roars sent tremors through the earth. The Harlowin became a symbol of hope and resilience for the people, who in turn emblazoned its image on banners and shields as a beacon of strength.

In the final climactic battle of the Great War, the Harlowin engaged in a fierce and devastating duel with another dragon commanded by the opposing party. The clash between these titanic beings was so intense that it reshaped the very landscape, giving birth to the Flamefall Cascades. The ground shattered and magma surged to the surface, transforming the battlefield into a fiery expanse of lava flows and molten rock.

When the dust and flames finally settled, both the Harlowin and the opposing dragon were nowhere to be found. In the centuries that followed, no trace of a Harlowin was ever discovered, and it is widely believed that the last of both of their kind perished in that fateful battle. The Flamefall Cascades, once a testament to the Harlowin's might, grew silent, and the Harlowin passed into legend, a ghost of a bygone era. Yet, whispers persist in hushed tones that one day, the Harlowin may rise again, reborn from the heart of the Cascades, to protect the realms once more in their time of greatest need...
Should you manage to acquire a Harlowin Egg and successfully hatch it into a Harlowin of your own, you must be a very talented adventurer indeed. However, I do believe that with how long the Harlowin has been extinct, their magic may not be strong enough for them to travel with you to our Beta Launch. Adventurers will need to locate the nest and these mighty dragons again, where their ancient power can fully awaken.

Mysterious Egg has now been Officially Renamed to

Natural Harlowin Egg
Natural Harlowin Egg

A reminder this Legendary egg can be found stocking in the Alchemy Shop!

Alpha Tester Rollover Policy Updates

We've updated our Alpha Rollover Policy to reflect this announcement and provide further clarification for our users on which pets/items acquiring from restocking will rollover with your account during our
Beta Launch! This also includes the addition of the Creative Spotlight and Helpful Member Awards, as well as any award from being a member of our BuyMeACoffee Platform.

We would like to remind our community that the purpose of Alpha Testing is for our Development Team to introduce features, ideas and all the exciting things we have been working on behind the scenes to collect feedback and locate bugs/glitches from our Alpha Testers that will help mold and shape the future of Santae! We appreciate your enthusiasm and excitement for our Beta Launch - we have some exciting updates coming soon, including more information on our (estimated) Launch Date, more New Features and updates to existing features like our Human Avatar System and our upcoming Kickstarter!

With Love and Gratitude,
The Santae Team ✨