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The Ancient Grove (Thank You Chests Sent)

05 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

Adventure Continues…

Vespera and her crew made their way through the thick brush that covered the forest floor slowly, taking care not to harm or disturb the vegetation and wild life. The details contained within the stories that the elders told changed depending on the person telling it, but one detail remained the same: a winding river made its way through the center of the grove. Some tellings also mentioned a particular mystical rune that allegedly grew throughout the grove...

Heartwoods Acorn Rune

This was the third river that they followed -- the others had led them to beautiful landscapes of lush greenery, but the signature tall oaks of the ancient grove were notably absent. Vespera could feel the crew becoming more and more discouraged with every passing hour but she had a strong feeling about this particular river. 

In the distance, Vespera spotted a tall, dark formation. As they progressed, it became apparent that it was a wall of boulders and rocks. The groans and complaints grew as they approached the makeshift wall -- it was over fifteen feet tall and far too unstable to climb. The river, which roared with life up the path from where they came, trickled to a tiny stream under the pile of rock. Another dead end

"Let's set up our temporary camp here. We will rest for a few hours before we make our way back. Get some food and water to refresh yourselves before the return journey," Vespera instructed. The crew complied and Vespera made herself busy helping out around camp and organizing the distribution of food. 

A short while later, River and Dew appeared in a fury of bright feathers. They chirped and chattered incessantly and dropped an object at Vespera's feet.

Celestial Toadstools

Vespera looked down at the mushroom and paused, remembering the stories about the appearance of mushrooms at all the locations where the Gooppers have been appearing. "Take me to where you found these," she instructed River and Dew. The two happily obliged and took to the skies, diving and swooping with one another playfully.

The two led Vespera to a section of the wall about ten minutes from camp. As she stood studying the rock, she heard a chirp and saw a flash of flame about waist high -- Henrietta! The Phoehen hopped from behind a rock that had originally seemed flush to the rest of the wall. Vespera examined the stone and found a slit barely wide enough for her to slide through. She wiggled her way through and found that it opened to a tiny cavern just a few feet wide. In it, Vespera spotted a few more of the curious mushrooms that River and Dew had originally brought to her.

Henrietta chirped at Vespera again and pointed her to another slit in the rock on the other side of the cavern. Vespera fit herself into it and managed to wiggle a couple of feet. Suddenly, she found herself back in the open, and -- yes! Vespera found herself surrounded by ancient oaks that reached high into the sky. The canopy rang with life and the forest floor was littered with recognizable gathering items. The river remained to her left and came to life once again from under the rock, winding itself through the grove once again. 

Vespera smiled at her companions, "You found it! Thank you so much for leading me to this place, we would have left without ever finding it if not for your adventurous spirit. Lets go back and get the rest of the crew."

Peaks Crystal Rune Floating Pinnacle Runes 

The Ancient Grove is now available as a Gathering location! For your convenience, there is a list of gathering locations and you can find helpful information by reading the Gathering FAQ.

Early Alpha Tester Thank You Chests have been Sent!

The Chests that are being provided to our early Alpha Testers as a thank you for your hard work and dedication to testing the site have been sent! Please check your sanMail for your chest -- one of the two chests has been awarded randomly to each existing user.

Sea Sovereigns Conch
Sea Sovereigns Conch
Sunlords Chest
Sunlords Chest

These chests will be added to the Cash Shop shortly! The chests themselves and all items contained therein will rollover to Beta. We hope that you all enjoy these unique sets and extend our sincere thank you once again for joining us during this imperative period of growth for our site! It is with your feedback, efforts and energy that Santae is where it is today, and that we are able to open our virtual doors to additional users. 

With Love and Gratitude,
The Santae Team

Gathering Gooppers, Berries and Various Florae!

04 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

Gathering Gooppers! 

Gooppers have infiltrated the gathering locations! These minimals have been appearing when adventurers collect their gathering bounty. These little creatures are particularly special... Stay tuned!

Interestingly enough, reports from other explorers are also saying a specific fungus is also popping up at both locations alongside these minimals... I wonder if this is a coincidence -- perhaps we should ask Skylar to look into this to see if they can uncover any mysteries this unique fungus holds? These minimals must be particularly unique as they are appearing across the lands in very different environments!

Celestial Toadstools

The locals have mentioned a mysterious location to Vespera and her crew. There is a tale the elders still tell today of a ancient grove located deep within the Harmonic Heartwoods brimming with magical energy. Could this ancient grove once thought to be just a tale actually exist? Hopefully we can discover traces of this magical location with your help and through Skylar's research. Perhaps these new minimals are the key to unlocking the secrets of the Heartwoods!

New Florae Added to Gathering Locations!

Skylar Fieldstone has notified all adventurers that these florae can be collected from Gathering locations, although they are not quite ready to receive specimens at their research facility. Get a jump on collecting them for some sP rewards once they are requested in Gathering Bounty.

Stormforge Poppys Cavern Iris Moonlit Daffodil Celestial Toadstools Celestial Holly Aleriean Ivy

More Berries at the Great Berry Tree!

Flora Greenleaf is also reporting that five new berries have been reported growing at the Great Berry Tree

Trench Flamefall Phoenixberry Pinnacles Skyfruit Divine Havenberry Starlight Berries

Flora's fertilizer must be working extremely well -- pick some up at Leaf & Petal

Common Pets have been Renamed to Natural Pets

Common Pets have been renamed to Natural Pets to better reflect their role in Santae

You'll be able to see all of the Natural Pets in the Pet Colors page. All items that previously contained "Common" in their names, including plushies, Divine figurines and plain figurines, have been renamed to "Natural".

A Mysterious New Minimal has been Discovered in Gathering!

03 Jul, 2024

Published by: CJ

A New Minimal has been Discovered in Gathering!


Flora Greenleaf has noticed these snail looking minimals at the Celestial Pools and Stormforge Caverns gathering locations... She has notified Vespera that they have recently started appearing and pets are now picking them up when they come across them as part of the gathering process!

Vespera has sent word of these new minimals to Skylar Fieldstone at their research facility. They hope to uncover the source of these snail minimals and will need the help of adventurers in the coming weeks to collect additional materials to learn more about them and their potential.

As part of the information gathering process, Skylar Fieldstone is now accepting the ten new berries released yesterday for the Gathering Bounty!

Guardian’s Glistenberry
Guardian’s Glistenberry
Halo Glowfruit Berry
Halo Glowfruit Berry
Heartwood Harmonicberry
Heartwood Harmonicberry
Mirage Melonberry
Mirage Melonberry
Berry of Blessings
Berry of Blessings

Pastonomia Berry
Pastonomia Berry
Kovern Berry
Kovern Berry
Ornament Berry
Ornament Berry
Summer Raxt Berry
Summer Raxt Berry
Purple Roseberry
Purple Roseberry

Quality of Life Update to Gathering:

In order to increase the number of items being gathered for research purposes, you are no longer limited to leaving one pet at a gathering location. As the number of gathering locations increase, you will be able to leave one pet at each location for three hours.

Re-Opening Alpha Testing Applications on 6th July 

As a reminder, we will be RE-OPENING Alpha Testing Applications on 6th July 2024 and closing them on 28th July 2024.

Divine Natural Raylen Figurine
Divine Natural Raylen Figurine

ALL Alpha Testers, old and new, can expect to receive a Divine Common Raylen Figurine as a thank you for dedicating your time and energy to bettering Santae during this period of growth and change! With this Divine Common Raylen Figurine, adventurers will be able to change an existing pet into the new Raylen, our 2nd Luminary Pet species released, our 4th new Pet Species released during our Alpha Testing Period!

Our existing Alpha Testers can also look forward to the receiving a special thank you for their ongoing efforts! We very much appreciate the hard work that you all have put into the site so far, the feedback that has been provided and the bugs that have been reported. It has been tremendously helpful in getting Santae to where it is today. We hope that you are excited to welcome this new wave of Alpha Testers and helping to get them acclimated to the site.

Sea Sovereigns Conch
Sea Sovereigns Conch
Sunlords Chest
Sunlords Chest

One of these two chests will randomly be sent to each existing adventurer prior to the reopening of applications. You will not need to do anything to claim them. 

Alpha Testers Referral Contest beginning 6th July

As previously mentioned, we will also be relaunching our Alpha Testers Referral Contest with some changes to the incentives!

For every Alpha Tester who uses your username as their referrer, regardless if they are approved or not, you will receive one ticket to enter a raffle for the chance to win an exclusive Divine Common Wispyr Figurine. We will be raffling off ten (10) figurines. But that's not all -- if you refer five (5) testers and you are guaranteed to receive your very own Wispyr Pet!

Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine
Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine

The contest will run until Alpha Applications close on 28th July, and winners will be selected one week later. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to earn this Rare Exclusive Pet! Start telling your friends about Santae now so they can be ready for the re-opening of Alpha Testing Applications on 6th July and increase your chances of winning this coveted pet!

Thank you and good luck!