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The Grusim in the Lair

15 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

The Grusim in the Lair

When Vixon and Vespera arrived at the Flamefall Cascades together, everything had appeared normal. They had a giant stock of sanDust that they had collected from fellow adventurers as they made their way to the caves. Unsure of exactly how the sanDust worked, they spread it generously as they walked through the tunnels and deeper into the caves. However, once they reached the cavern with the Grusim paintings on the wall, Vixon felt the difference of the energy in the cave. 

The energy in the cavern had a charge to it, not unlike the Lava Caves when they discovered the Harlowin, but not quite the same either. The heat in the cavern felt more intense than it had been when he was last here. Vixon waved Vespera over to the opening and pointed inside without saying a word. Vespera drew a sharp breath -- when her eyes had finally adjusted, she could see the large lion cat restlessly pacing in the distance.

"It seems angry..." Vixon whispered to Vespera. "I can see much more of it, and its come out further than it had when I was here before. I wonder why it hasn't completely exited its lair? I know the sanDust is doing something, for the air is different in here. Charged." 

Vespera paused. "The sanDust that we spread across the tunnels must be doing something. Let's keep spreading it here in this cavern. The ancestors must have chosen this place for a reason to paint these murals on the walls. Hopefully we are far enough from the Grusim that by the time it reaches this cavern, it will be as friendly as the tales say."

Natural Grusim

Vixon nodded and they got to work spreading their sanDust across the cavern floor. After a few minutes, Vixon noticed something curious. It seemed like the sanDust was gathering itself into specific shapes on the floor? The more sanDust that he added, the brighter certain piles seemed to glow.

"Rmnongiu Grusim nirail, reegem nito awen rlwod, mutroyie aohesmc." 

The moment Vixon finished muttering the foreign sounds into the smog filled air, the sanDust forming the letters flashed a brilliant blue. The pair heard a ferocious roar and the sound of paws rapidly hitting stone. Vespera and Vixon held each others' gaze for a moment before they ran for the exit. As they scrambled --


They looked back to see the Grusim right at the mouth of the opening. It let out a feral roar that ended through snarled teeth. It's scorpion tail thrashed, causing the entire cavern to shake

Vixon and Vespera stood slowly, unsure what had stopped the Grusim.

"I'm out of sanDust." Vixon lamented.

"Me too," said Vespera. "That's probably for the best. This Grusim still seems quite agitated. I think we need quite a bit more... We should leave and come back once we have a comfortable supply. Once we have fully lured the Grusim out of its lair, we will need even more to actually tame him!" 

"Yes... I agree. It is good that we have gotten an idea of just how formidable this beast is!"

Thank You for 1000 Alpha Testers + Giveaways!

15 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky


We are beyond thrilled to reflect on the incredible journey of the past two months of our Alpha Testing Phase. It has been a roller coaster ride filled with excitement, challenges, and unforgettable moments. Together, we've achieved some amazing milestones we would like to share with you all:

★ We've achieved over 100,000 combined views on our TikTok platform! 

★ We've received more than 1,100 alpha applications received! 

★ We've reached over 1,000 members in our public Discord channel! 

★ We've reached over 1,000 members on-site! 

We want to extend our gratitude to all past and present staff members for their hard work and commitment, and an even bigger thank you goes out to our amazing community, you all are the heart and soul of Santae, and we wouldn't be where we are today without each and every one of you.

As a huge thank you for your unwavering support, we have a special surprise for each and every one of you. We're excited to introduce the Deciceratops Minimal! Every member will receive one random Deciceratops Minimal to celebrate this milestone, and there will be even more ways to obtain these minimals in the near future. Stay tuned to the news for more details!

Raspberry Deciceratops Chocomint Deciceratops Peach Deciceratops Strawberry Deciceratops

Thank you all so much for being a part of this incredible journey with us. We can't wait to see what the future holds!

With Love and Gratitude,

The Santae Team

Giveaway: Thank you for 1000 Alpha Testers


For a free raffle entry, follow these steps:
Step 1: Like this news article (Click here to visit the news page if you are viewing this post on the forums)
Step 2: Comment
 on this news post with a compliment for the person posting above you.

We will be raffling off twelve (12) Divine Drava Figurines and winners will receive one random colored Divine Drava Figurine!

Divine Crimson Drava Figurine
Divine Crimson Drava Figurine
Divine Carrot Drava Figurine
Divine Carrot Drava Figurine
Divine Canary Drava Figurine
Divine Canary Drava Figurine
Divine Chateau Drava Figurine
Divine Chateau Drava Figurine

Divine Natural Drava Figurine
Divine Natural Drava Figurine
Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine
Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine
Divine Charcoal Drava Figurine
Divine Charcoal Drava Figurine

Divine Carnation Drava Figurine
Divine Carnation Drava Figurine
Divine Calil Drava Figurine
Divine Calil Drava Figurine
Divine Cerulean Drava Figurine
Divine Cerulean Drava Figurine
Divine Carbon Drava Figurine
Divine Carbon Drava Figurine
Divine Chalk Drava Figurine
Divine Chalk Drava Figurine

The response that we've gotten has warmed our hearts and we want to spread the good vibes! Please be the considerate, thoughtful and wonderful community that we know you are when leaving your comment.

Make sure to enter by 17th of July at 00:00:00 Santae Time (SST) for your chance to win!


We will be giving away three (3) Glitched Pet Name Certificates via our Discord's Official Giveaways channel over the next day. If you have not already joined our Discord, this would be the perfect time to do so, and connect with the rest of the wonderful Santae community! 

Glitched Pet Name Certificate
Glitched Pet Name Certificate
Glitched Pet Name Certificate
Glitched Pet Name Certificate
Glitched Pet Name Certificate
Glitched Pet Name Certificate


Our amazing  Moderator superbearwars is hosting a Rap Battle over in the forums! Enter for a chance to win a Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine, or a Glitched Pet Name Certificate or a 5 sanCash Coin!

Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine Glitched Pet Name Certificate 5 SanCash Coin

Enter by 20th of July at 2 PM Santae Time (SST) for your chance to win!

New Minimals are stocking at Vespera's Stall!


These two breezy gals just blew in to the Cash Shop!
No matter the weather, you and your pet will love these little breaths of fresh air!

The Zephyrstorm and Zephyrlet will be available until 28th of July at 23:59 SST.

As Cash Shop items, they will roll over into Beta.

Please remember to review the Alpha Rollover Policy that can be found in the footer of every page so that there are no surprises when the End of Alpha Wipe happens!

Community Event: Gathering SanDust

14 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

The Adventurer and the Grusim

When Vixon finally found the right stall in the Shadow Veil Pass, the sun had already set and Vespera had just begun closing up her shop for the night. The two friends greeted one another warmly and got to work, tucking wares away under thick blanket cushioning and carefully boxing them away. 

They chatted comfortably, just catching up as old friends do. "I just returned yesterday from the Harmonic Heartwoods. My crew discovered the Ancient Grove and the Goopper Grotto there! Evolving minimals, can you believe that?" Vespera asked.

Flamefall Goopper

"I would never have imagined! I did hear about a flaming rune from an adventurer traveling the Flamefall Cascades... But I never imagined that I would happen upon more paintings there too!" Vixon filled Vespera in on his recent exploits with the scorching opening, the suggestive shadows on the walls, and the large manticore being tamed by a human sprinkling dust in the paintings in the cavern.

Vespera listened quietly and when he finished, she paused. "Goodness, it sounds like you have found the lair of the Grusim!" She recalled a story from her travels...

Once upon a time, mythical lion-cat beasts appeared across Santae. They were ferocious beasts that slayed whatever they pleased and wreaked havoc across the lands. One day, an Adventurer from a distant land confronted one of the creatures armed with a beautiful, shining dust. The Adventurer's magical dust seemed to make the creature much friendlier and the two became friends. The Adventurer taught others about the dust and how to create it. The dust allowed the humans to tame the beasts and they became known as Grusims. Humans and Grusims had a symbiotic relationship but after a time, Grusims faded from existence. The Adventurer passed away and their Grusim disappeared into an unknown lair, in despair and mourning for its friend. As the world forgot about the Grusims, the knowledge of how the dust was created was also forgotten. It is rumored that once the Adventurer's Grusim returns, it will signify the return of all Grusims to Santae. 

"Until a few months ago! I heard from a trader that there is a way to create something that he called sanDust. He described it as a sparkling blue dust. SanDust is its own element that is created by a concentration of adventurer energy! I'm sure sanDust is the key to solving this puzzle! If adventurers across Santae concentrate their energy and generate a massive amount of sanDust, I am sure we can lure the Grusim out of its lair!" Vespera explained.

Vixon paused. The tale sounded farfetched, but so did the stories about the Harlowins, and he had helped to find those! This was very much the same. The task at hand seemed daunting, but Vixon knew that the adventurer spirit was strong across Santae, and that he would be able to call on his fellow adventurers in the coming days to bring Grusims back to Santae. 

Community Event: Generating SanDust

Help Vixon and Vespera generate enough sanDust to lure the Grusim out of its lair and tame him!

How to Participate:

★ Play any game to generate sanDust

★ Claim your Daily Alpha Reward to generate sanDust.

The sanDust that you generate will be credited to your account AND it will contribute to the community total.

Every adventurer that contributes to the generation of sanDust will receive this nifty trophy that will rollover into Beta!

Grusim Tamer Event Trophy
Grusim Tamer Event Trophy

Stay tuned for additional uses for sanDust outside of this Community Event!