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A Little Bit of Everything...

18 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

New Berries at the Berry Tree!

Looks like the fertilizer being used on the Great Berry Tree has caused the Roseberries to diversify!

Black Roseberry Yellow Roseberry White Roseberry Red Roseberry Pink Roseberry Blue Roseberry

There are six (6) new Roseberries to pick at the Great Berry Tree! Grab some fertilizer from Leaf and Petal to speed up your collections. 

Harlowin Eggs Will Now be Found via Gathering! 

Naveen is no longer stocking the Harlowin Eggs at the Shadow Alchemy shop! Instead, adventurers are now collecting them directly from Naveen's source at the Ember Springs!

Calil Harlowin Egg
Calil Harlowin Egg
Canary Harlowin Egg
Canary Harlowin Egg
Carbon Harlowin Egg
Carbon Harlowin Egg
Carnation Harlowin Egg
Carnation Harlowin Egg

Carrot Harlowin Egg
Carrot Harlowin Egg
Cerulean Harlowin Egg
Cerulean Harlowin Egg
Chalk Harlowin Egg
Chalk Harlowin Egg

Charcoal Harlowin Egg
Charcoal Harlowin Egg
Chateau Harlowin Egg
Chateau Harlowin Egg
Crimson Harlowin Egg
Crimson Harlowin Egg
Natural Harlowin Egg
Natural Harlowin Egg

Grab a pouch for your pets from Tangle and Tote to gather your next dragon egg today!

Quality of Life Updates

★ The icons for the User Links section of the profile have been updated! 

★ The notifications system has been streamlined to improve the speed of the site! 

★ We have doubled the amount of  sanDust that can be earned from quests to 200  sanDust per hour from 100! 

★ We have tweaked  sanDust rewards from Games and Quests! 

★ When viewing your pouches in the drop-down window during gathering, they are now sorted by pouch size with your largest pouch selected by default! 

Reminder: Referral Contest is Ongoing!

For every Alpha Tester who uses your username as their referrer, regardless if they are approved or not, you will receive one ticket to enter a raffle for the chance to win an exclusive Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine. We will be raffling off ten (10) figurines. But that's not all -- if you refer five (5) testers you are guaranteed to receive your very own Wispyr Pet!

Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine
Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine

The contest will run until Alpha Applications close on 28th July, and winners will be selected one week later. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to earn this Rare Exclusive Pet! 

Note: Applications are checked and screened, so please do not file applications just for entries into the contest as this goes directly against our Terms of Service! Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. 

Thank you and good luck!

Rampage in the Lava Caves!

17 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

Rampage in the Lava Caves!

Vixon and Vespera gathered as much  sanDust as they could carry before heading back to the Flamefall Cascades to the Grusim's lair. They gingerly made their way deeper and deeper into the tunnels, unsure of precisely where the Grusim was after their time away. As they approached the opening in the cavern, they heard a low, throaty growl. It seems the Grusim had not moved much since they were here last.

"The tunnels here are narrow... and this creature is fast. There must be a safer place for us to spread the  sanDust in case he keeps his grouchy disposition..." Vixon thought aloud. "Perhaps if we spread the  sanDust in the Lava Caves cavern instead? Its a good distance from here, and there is more space to maneuver.

Vespera nodded in agreement and they headed for the Lava Caves. Occasionally, they would hear the lion-like roars of the Grusim behind them, and the tremors its thrashing tail created throughout the tunnels. 

When they arrived at the Lava Caves, they got to work spreading the  sanDust across the cavern floor.

"Vespera, look! It seems like the ancestors left a message in this cavern, too!" Vixon exclaimed.

"Be sure not to speak the words out loud this time until we are ready." After the two had left the tunnels, Vespera had explained to Vixon how the ancient text worked as an incantation. Luckily, she learned how to read ancient texts in her travels. "Beware, traveler, for the mourning Grusim's lair lies ahead. While 25,000  sanDust can tame a Grusim, the mourning Grusim requires far more. Its despair fuels its strength and agility. Do not call upon him unless your adventurer spirit is strong." 

"But what does that mean? How much  sanDust do we need to appease the mourning Grusim? How strong does our adventurer spirit need to be?" 

"I don't know," Vespera responded quietly. "The next line of text is the one that calls him. How much  sanDust do you have left? I only have about 125,000."

"I have about the same. That means we have ten times the amount needed to tame a Grusim. I think that is enough..." Vixon trailed off. 

"Prepare yourself, then. I will speak the incantation out loud now." Vespera responded. 

"Rmnongiu Grusim llweca pnouoyu. Neetr anerchevt fetoh raesndsontg!"

The  sanDust flashed the brilliant blue again, and for a moment there was silence. Then, another feral roar echoed through the tunnels and several thunderous cracks could be heard -- the Grusim was barreling through the tunnels with its tail thrashing wildly. Vespera and Vixon could hear its paws pounding on stone but stood their ground in the Lava Cave.

As the Grusim drew near, Vespera and Vixon reached into their  sanDust pouches carefully. The Grusim sprang into the Lava Cave cavern and crouched low, another growl rumbling from within.

Vixon was closest to the Grusim and threw handfuls of  sanDust at the beast. For a moment, the Grusim seemed disoriented and sprang away, landing on top of a rock pile. Vespera lept up and flung more  sanDust at the Grusim. The beast blinked slowly and shook its large head. The two adventurers gathered the last of their  sanDust and covered the Grusim with it.

Vixon could feel his heart pounding in its chest. For just a few beats, the entire cavern was still and silent. Then, without warning, the Grusim snarled and swiped at Vespera, but a flash of fire protected her much to both of their surprise.

Vespera leaped away with a gasp, "The Sunlord's blessing! Quick, look for the Sunlord's chest, it must be in this cavern! The magic of the items protected me from harm."

Leggings of Sunspath
Leggings of Sunspath
Sunlord Mascara
Sunlord Mascara
Inferno Flame Locks
Inferno Flame Locks
Sunlord Wig
Sunlord Wig
Sunbeam Earrings
Sunbeam Earrings

Vespera and Vixon scrambled away from the Grusim's flailing scorpion tail. Each dived in the opposite direction, trying to split the beast's attention. It took another swipe at Vespera but luckily she was out of its reach. The Grusim swung its tail wildly again, this time smashing into the nest in the center of the cavern -- out tumbled a flash of fiery red.

Solstice Robe
Solstice Robe
Sash of Solar Winds
Sash of Solar Winds
Rayweave Tunic
Rayweave Tunic
Corona Crown
Corona Crown
Flarefoot Sandals
Flarefoot Sandals
Gauntlets of Daystars
Gauntlets of Daystars

"There!" Vixon yelled! Vespera glanced over and quickly ran to the stash and stuffed it all into her pouch.

Blazing Horizon Stamp
Blazing Horizon Stamp
Pendant of Eternal Flames
Pendant of Eternal Flames
Book of Helios
Book of Helios
Sunlord Contacts
Sunlord Contacts

"Time to get to safety! We'll need to gather more  sanDust and return to tame the creature. If we tame the mourning Grusim, we'll bring the Grusim species back to SantaeUntil then, let's share this treasure with all of the adventurers that have been gathering  sanDust to help!"

One random item that is contained within the Sunlords Chest is being sent to every adventurer as a thank you for your hard work in generating  sanDust to help Vespera and Vixon!

Please check your sanMail for your random item.

Reminder: The Alpha Testers Referral Contest is still Ongoing!

For every Alpha Tester who uses your username as their referrer, regardless if they are approved or not, you will receive one ticket to enter a raffle for the chance to win an exclusive Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine. We will be raffling off ten (10) figurines. But that's not all -- if you refer five (5) testers and you are guaranteed to receive your very own Wispyr Pet!

Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine
Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine

The contest will run until Alpha Applications close on 28th July, and winners will be selected one week later. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to earn this Rare Exclusive Pet! 

Thank you and good luck!

Deciceratops Stomps In, Ember Springs Unveiled, and Exciting Giveaway Winners Announced!

16 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

Deciceratops Stomps into the Spotlight!

The Deciceratops has began stomping all around, appearing nearly everywhere around Santae! You can find them while questing, restocking in NPC shops, playing various games and while gathering! This is only for the next 7 days, so hunt them while you can!

Raspberry Deciceratops
Raspberry Deciceratops
Chocomint Deciceratops
Chocomint Deciceratops
Peach Deciceratops
Peach Deciceratops
Strawberry Deciceratops
Strawberry Deciceratops

Ember Springs

Vixon's associates have noted a curious looking Rune in the Flamefall Cascades area.

Flamefall Rune

It seems that the Grusim's thrashing in its lair recently has unlocked a new area! The Ember Springs is now available as a harvesting location.

Flamefall Thornbush Lava Orchid Harlowin Plant Celestial Toadstools
Brolly Flower Sunfire Sporecap Flamefall Fireweed Celestial Holly 

Wonder what will happen if you bring this rune to the Goopper Grotto?


All quest NPCs are now awarding sanDust in efforts to help tame this mythical beast, they have a limited amount of           sanDust per hour, so make sure to keep checking with them to help tame the Grusim!

Giveaway: Thank you for 1000 Alpha Testers
Winners Announced!

Thank you all again for being here to Alpha Test Santae with us, we are truly grateful for each and every one of you! 

The twelve (12) winners of one random Divine Drava Figurines are: 

Divine Crimson Drava Figurine Divine Carrot Drava Figurine Divine Canary Drava Figurine Divine Chateau Drava Figurine Divine Cerulean Drava Figurine Divine Calil Drava Figurine 

Fossileater, DorkyWerewolf, boo_wompus, Elrisae, SilentSushi, Wrentries
Merovingia, Copeh, HylianRose. ShinPurple, sylveondreams, Hanzo

Divine Carnation Drava Figurine Divine Charcoal Drava Figurine Divine Carbon Drava Figurine Divine Chalk Drava Figurine Divine Natural Drava Figurine Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine

Your wonderful compliments were very kind and appreciated! 

The three (3) winners of the Glitched Pet Name Certificate from our Discord giveaway were: 

TheKnobleOne, 10thDaySaint, crow

Glitched Pet Name Certificate Glitched Pet Name Certificate Glitched Pet Name Certificate


Our amazing  Moderator superbearwars' Rap Battle is still ongoing over in the forums! Enter for a chance to win a Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine, or a Glitched Pet Name Certificate or 5 sanCash Coin!

Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine Glitched Pet Name Certificate 5 SanCash Coin

Enter by 20th of July at 2 PM Santae Time (SST) for your chance to win!