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New Plushies, Revitalized Berries and Quality of Life Updates!

26 Jul, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Kyree Plushies Have Arrived at the Plushie Machine!

Grab your Plushie Tokens and head over to the Plushie Machine because these cute new Kyree plushies have just arrived!

Crimson Kyree Plushie
Crimson Kyree Plushie
Carrot Kyree Plushie
Carrot Kyree Plushie
Canary Kyree Plushie
Canary Kyree Plushie
Chateau Kyree Plushie
Chateau Kyree Plushie
Cerulean Kyree Plushie
Cerulean Kyree Plushie
Calil Kyree Plushie
Calil Kyree Plushie
Carnation Kyree Plushie
Carnation Kyree Plushie
Chalk Kyree Plushie
Chalk Kyree Plushie
Carbon Kyree Plushie
Carbon Kyree Plushie
Charcoal Kyree Plushie
Charcoal Kyree Plushie
Natural Kyree Plushie
Natural Kyree Plushie

If you're short on Plushie Tokens, be sure to claim your Daily Alpha Reward and complete some Terrible Toymaker quests for a chance to pick some up!

Revitalized Berries at the Berry Tree!

The fertilizer being used at the Great Berry Tree continues to astonish -- it seems to have improved the art quality of the Roseberries that appear there!

Pink Roseberry
Pink Roseberry
Red Roseberry
Red Roseberry
Yellow Roseberry
Yellow Roseberry

White Roseberry
White Roseberry
Blue Roseberry
Blue Roseberry
Purple Roseberry
Purple Roseberry
Black Roseberry
Black Roseberry

Stock up on some more fertilizer today at Flora's shop Leaf and Petal

Quality of Life Updates!

Please join us in extending a HUGE thank you to our amazing  Programmer for the following, enormous list of quality of life updates! 

★ Inbox 

Page numbers have been added to your sanMail inbox.

Inboxes are now sorted by date of last interaction rather than date of creation so your newest messages are always at the top of your inbox. 

★ My Pets 

Adventurers without any pets that visit the My Pets page will no longer receive a page error.

★ Search 

The search function is now properly requiring that a minimum of two characters be used. 

You can hit enter to submit your search once more!

★ Gathering 

Pets that were going on two simultaneous gathering adventures in two different locations will be disappointed to hear the our  Programmer has fixed their ability to explore the multiverse.

★ Boards 

Submitting an edited post will take you back to the page of the original post rather than the first page.

HA images are no longer extending past their boundaries on smaller device screens.

Images in posts are no longer extending past their boundaries on smaller device screens.

★ Bank 

Numbers after commas are no longer ignored when withdrawing and depositing from the Bank. 

★ Gallery ★ 

Empty galleries will still have a gallery icon.

★ Great Berry Tree 

Pets that were unable to collect berries due to their size on smaller screens will find that they're having a much easier time doing so!

★ Price Check ★ 

Text in various locations will no longer spill out of their containers.

★ Quick Stock ★ 

Selecting the "to" field no longer resets if selected first.

It is no longer possible to quickstock from one location to the same location. 

★ Inventory 

You can now interact with items even when all of your pets are gathering.

You will no longer be prompted with a "Pet does not belong to you" error when your pet is gathering.

The mobile "Burger Menu" is no longer overlapping the site header image.

★ Mobile View ★ 

Date and Currency now appear on the same line.

Mobile users are now able to see the Players Online bar.

Mobile users are now able to see Santae Site Time.

★ News ★ 

News posts will now be posted by the SantaeTeam user account!

Posts' timestamp / last post details are now set to the time when SanBot pushed the news.

New Wearable Weapons at Gruff's!

25 Jul, 2024

Published by: Sky

New Wearable Weapons!

Gruff has started stocking a number of new wearable weapons in his shop! 

Blood Lusting Dagger Leo Dagger Earthen Lance Sealed Blade Storm Blade

Swing by Gruff's Weaponry to grab these new wearables today! 

Notifications Have Been Fixed!

Thank you all for very diligently reporting that the notifications system was bugged! Due to the sheer number of reports, we made it a priority and our amazing  Programmer has fixed them so they can be properly dismissed!

Reminder: Referral Contest is Ongoing!

For every Alpha Tester who uses your username as their referrer, regardless if they are approved or not, you will receive one ticket to enter a raffle for the chance to win an exclusive Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine. We will be raffling off ten (10) figurines. But that's not all -- if you refer five (5) testers you are guaranteed to receive your very own Wispyr Pet!

Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine
Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine

We are extending our contest and Alpha Applications by two days to account for the server migration! They will now run until 30th July, and winners will be selected one week later. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to earn this Rare Exclusive Pet! The Bring a Friend Referral Medal will also be awarded to those that refer at least one friend during Alpha Testing!

Divine Drava Figurines Return to Vespera’s Cash Shop!

24 Jul, 2024

Published by: CJ

Attention, Adventurers of Shadow Veil Pass!

Vespera is back with a sensational announcement! The highly sought after Divine Drava Figurines are returning to her Cash Shop for a limited time. These magical treasures, originally discovered in the hidden ravine, are crafted with ancient enchantments and are ready to bring wonder to your adventurers once more.

Thanks to the combined magic of our adventurers, Vespera has been able to craft new figurines, allowing each of you the opportunity to create your very own Drava pet! Each figurine holds the power to transform your beloved pets into majestic Dravas. These enchanted items, cherished by many from their previous release, are making a grand comeback by popular demand!

For a limited time, and in celebration of their return, Vespera is offering these figurines at half price! All proceeds will support her continued adventurers in Santae. Stocks are limited and this will be the final time they are available during Alpha. 

Each purchase will randomly include one of the thirteen stunning colors: Crimson, Carrot, Canary, Chateau, Cerulean, Calil, Carnation, Chalk, Carbon, Charcoal, Natural, Prismatic, or Pipsqueak. The magic within these figurines is so strong that it will carry over into your adventurers during our Beta Phase.

May the magic of the Drava guide you on your journey, and until our paths cross once more, 

Back by popular demand, the Drava has returned to the Cash Shop! They will be in there for the next month (30) Days! The Drava will not return until January 2025. We have also increased the amount of pet slots to 40

The base pet slots all new accounts will have, has increased from 8 to 10! The max pet slots you can have (using the Pet Adoption Papers) has increased from 24 to 40! All existing members have been SENT two Pet Adoption Papers for FREE to account for the base pet slots increase. 

Divine Charcoal Drava Figurine Divine Carbon Drava Figurine Divine Chalk Drava Figurine Divine Carnation Drava Figurine

Divine Calil Drava Figurine Divine Cerulean Drava Figurine Divine Chateau Drava Figurine Divine Canary Drava Figurine

Divine Carrot Drava Figurine Divine Crimson Drava Figurine Divine Natural Drava Figurine 

Divine Pipsqueak Drava Figurine Pet Adoption Papers Divine Prismatic Drava Figurine

Thank you all for your continued support, we are eternally grateful for each and every one of you all for being a part of our beautiful community! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️