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22nd June


The Azure Abyss and its Hidden Secret...

16 Jun, 2024

Published by: mj

After days of traveling and following a very old treasure map, Vespera finally reached the hidden shoreline, shrouded in a thick, eerie mist. As she disembarked from her boat, she marveled at the small huts and structures that suggested people must be living there. The wildlife was unlike anything she had ever seen, and the foliage glimmered and twinkled with each movement, casting a surreal glow over the landscape.

Exploring the village, she felt a sense of wonder at this hidden world. She wandered through the narrow paths, taking in the sights and sounds of this mysterious place. Then, her heart raced with excitement as she spotted it—the Azure Abyss. It was exactly as the stories her papa had told her described. The vast, deep blue expanse of water seemed to pulse with an ancient, almost otherworldly energy. As Vespera approached, a sense of both awe and trepidation washed over her. She had no idea what might be lurking within the depths.

Suddenly, the water erupted. A giant blue sea serpent surfaced, its eyes locked onto Vespera, and it looked as if it was about to attack. Panic surged through her veins, but before she could react, an elven figure with long white hair and a blue cloak appeared from the mist. With a swift motion, he hurled a large block of cheese at the serpent. The monster's demeanor changed instantly—it happily devoured the cheese, cast a curious glance at Vespera and the mysterious elf, and then disappeared back into the abyss.

The elven figure approached Vespera with a calm, knowing smile. "That," he said, "is the Abyssal Monster, guardian of the Azure Abyss. Its magic is what keeps this shoreline hidden and protected. It is believed that the deities placed it here to safeguard something hidden at the bottom of the abyss, long ago during the Great War. The natives respect the Abyssal Monster and feed it to keep its magic strong. Sometimes, it rewards them with sP and other treasures. Next time you encounter it, try feeding it."

Vespera, still in awe, asked for the elf's name as he began to walk away. He paused, looking back at her with a twinkle in his eye. "I have many names, but most will only know me as the Seeker of Knowledge," he said before fading into the misty shoreline.

Elated by her discovery, Vespera decided to take some time to enjoy the beautiful shoreline she had found. She eagerly awaited the next opportunity to feed the Abyssal Monster, keen to uncover the secrets and treasures it might reveal to her and any other brave adventurers.

With her heart full of excitement and wonder, Vespera looked forward to the next chapter of her adventure, knowing that the Azure Abyss held many more mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

Introducing the Azure Abyss, our 13th location and the first new addition during our Alpha Testing! Your support and belief in Santae have enabled us to consistently deliver new content, updates, and fixes. We hope you enjoy this new location as much as our amazing development team enjoyed bringing it to life.
The Azure Abyss has been added to the Valaria Explore Map!

Introducing the Abyssal Monster! Bring this creature an edible item and feed it to it, you have a chance at winning one of these brand new delicious minimals! 



There are also 11 new Hidden Avatars scattered around the site. Can you unlock them all?



Abyssal Monster has also been added to the Games page!

Happy Birthday CJ!

16 Jun, 2024

Published by: mj

Dear Adventurer, 

We hope that you will join the entire Santae Team in wishing CJ a very
Happy Birthday!! 

As you know, CJ is the owner of Santae and has been a bright beacon of leadership in bringing Santae to life! Santae is the product of CJ’s vivid imagination that grew with the love and devotion that he poured into bringing his vision to reality. It is through CJ’s continued supportdedication, and nurturing energy that we are able to come together as a team to grow and develop Santae every day. 

It should speak volumes that the entire Santae team came together without hesitation to surprise our valiant leader for his birthday! Please enjoy these goodies that the art team graciously put together to celebrate this joyous occasion:

CJ Plushie
CJ Plushie
Birthday Balloons
Birthday Balloons

Birthday Hat
Birthday Hat
Birthday Confetti
Birthday Confetti
Half Eaten Birthday Cake
Half Eaten Birthday Cake

Rainbow Balloon
Rainbow Balloon
Birthday Gifts
Birthday Gifts
Birthday Hotdog
Birthday Hotdog
CJ's Birthday Cake

You will be able to join in on the festivities by claiming these items on your first Daily Alpha Reward visit within the next week! Please note that these items will not roll over to Beta, as we have plans to incorporate them into the site differently in the future. 

We've also awarded two 
special items and an avatar to CJ -
we hope you enjoy these as much as we enjoyed making them for you!

Birthday Boy Sash
Birthday Boy Sash
Cooper Companion
Cooper Companion

CJ — We love you and we appreciate everything that you do for Santae and the Team! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, with all of the wonderful things that you deserve, and more!

Pipsqueaks for Your Collections!

15 Jun, 2024

Published by: Sky

We hope you are ready for...

Pipsqueak Nochturn Plushie
Pipsqueak Nochturn Plushie
Pipsqueak Drava Plushie
Pipsqueak Drava Plushie
Pipsqueak Velarie Plushie
Pipsqueak Velarie Plushie
Pipsqueak Yelbin Plushie
Pipsqueak Yelbin Plushie
Pipsqueak Wolperjack Plushie
Pipsqueak Wolperjack Plushie

Pipsqueak Wispyr Plushie
Pipsqueak Wispyr Plushie
Pipsqueak Shimmerint Plushie
Pipsqueak Shimmerint Plushie
Pipsqueak Rattlinz Plushie
Pipsqueak Rattlinz Plushie
Pipsqueak Blepp Plushie
Pipsqueak Blepp Plushie

Pipsqueak Harlowin Plushie
Pipsqueak Harlowin Plushie
Pipsqueak Direfang Plushie
Pipsqueak Direfang Plushie
Pipsqueak Lerk Plushie
Pipsqueak Lerk Plushie
Pipsqueak Ogreling Plushie
Pipsqueak Ogreling Plushie
Pipsqueak Pippim Plushie
Pipsqueak Pippim Plushie

Pipsqueak Kyree Plushie
Pipsqueak Kyree Plushie
Pipsqueak Romper Plushie
Pipsqueak Romper Plushie
Pipsqueak Nontra Plushie
Pipsqueak Nontra Plushie

Seventeen new plushies to collect!!!

These enchanting little pipsqueak plushies are now available via the Plushie Machine! You'll need Plushie Tokens to operate the machine, which you can acquire via the Terrible Toymaker Quest and, occasionally, your Daily Alpha Rewards

Your Next Adventure Awaits: Join our Moderator Team!

Santae is on the lookout for dedicated Moderators to join our team! If you’re 18 or older and have a minimum of 20 hours per month to dedicate to moderating, we want to hear from you.                   

Moderators play a crucial role in maintaining a positive and welcoming environment in our Forums and Online Discord Server. While we value seasoned and experienced Moderators, we’re also eager to train individuals with the right personalities and a willingness to learn.

At Santae, our staff are compensated with Cash Points for their time and efforts spent on staffing each month.
If you’re passionate about fostering a supportive community and upholding our community guidelines,
apply now to become a Moderator at Santae!

Shimmer Dust Avatars!

14 Jun, 2024

Published by: CJ

Ten New Shimmer Dust Avatars to Collect! 

New Shimmer Dust Hidden Avatars have been scattered around the site - good luck hunting them down!



Can you find them all?

The minimal promotion will end
Sunday June 16, 2024 at 11:59PM SST


As a reminder, all purchases of 5 sC or more receive 1 FREE Promotional Minimal out of the three above!

Don't Forget to Claim Your Daily Alpha Rewards!

Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Tester Shirt
Alpha Tester Shirt V2
Alpha Tester Shirt V2
Alpha Tester Banner
Alpha Tester Banner

Every Day at Site Reset (00:00:00 SST), Alpha Testers can go HERE to receive a bonus! Occasionally there will also be some items that may come in handy to you during your time Alpha Testing!

The Next Great Adventure

13 Jun, 2024

Published by: Sky

Greetings, Adventurers of Shadow Veil Pass!

I am absolutely thrilled by the incredible success of the Drava figurine sale. Your support has not only brought magic into your homes but has also allowed me, CJ, and MJ to continue our thrilling explorations on Santae. Thanks to all of you, I am excited to announce that I am gearing up for my next great adventure!

I am preparing to board a sturdy vessel and to set sail for a hidden shoreline that harbors an enigmatic abyss. This place is no ordinary spot—it's a portal between new magic and old, holding secrets and stories long forgotten. It's a challenge that only the most skilled adventurers have been able to locate.

Stay tuned, dear adventurers, as I eagerly prepare to embark on this daring expedition. Your unwavering support and enthusiasm are what make these adventures possible. Together, we will delve into the depths of this mysterious shoreline, uncovering tales and treasures beyond our wildest dreams.

Until our next great adventure,
