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Vespera Discovers Fishing! + Netty's gift to all Adventurers

01 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Vespera Discovers Solar Sands

As Vespera broke through the wild brush, she stumbled out onto a beautiful golden beach. After composing herself and brushing off the foliage and bugs that had fell on her during this off-road trek, she looked around and saw a person in the distance stood with their back to her, staring out at the wide expanse of water.

As Vespera neared closer, River, Vespera's faithful Raylen squawked, startling the stranger and causing them to turn around.

"Ah, Vespera, you're finally here!"

"Silvershade?" Vespera stammered, out of breath but still very much excited.
"Yes! That'll be me" Silvershade replied. "I'ma glad you were able to make it. I was hoping to get back to my ranch before you arrived, but  - Oh!"

Before Silvershade could finish their sentence, a ripple appeared on the previously calm water. Silvershade grabbed a Fishing Rod that was lying on the ground next to them, and cast it, landing it directly center to the ripples, and then tugged.
While reeling in the line, they explained to Vespera the reason for asking her to come and visit. 

"See, the Minimals on my ranch are always going off to explore the local area, and some of them keep coming back with those lil jelly blob looking things."

Vespera reached into her backpack and pulled out the one Silvershade had sent. By now, it had changed somewhat. It was no longer an inflated beautiful sphere that it was the last time Vespera looked at it. Instead it looked deflated and lifeless. Vespera looked at it, puzzled.

Silvershade glanced over and caught a look at Vespera's bedazzled look, and explained further, "Yep. That's what seems to happen to them", they sighed. "I got me dozens of them on my ranch. I think they're Eggs, and if my research is correct, whatever is laying them is definitely an aquatic creature. I've been trying fishing to see if I can catch me one, but all I keep pulling up is trash."

Silvershade gestured to their latest catch - an Old Boot - "Dang, more Trash!".

They tossed the old boot into a pile of other trash items before placing the rod back down.
"See, the problem we got, is that there is just too much trash. As a society we've neglected our waterways for generations, and now it is just full to the brim of trash. We need to try and get more people to help clean this up".

pondered for a moment, before responding. "I.. may know some Santarians that can help! I'll call on the citizens of Santae to come and help! We should also explore more regions and see if they are also suitable for fishing too!"
"Now THAT sounds like a darn-tooting idea! Let me know what you need."
Silvershade replied.

"To be honest, "
Vespera started, before stroking the Grimmoire that was sat perched on Silvershade's shoulder, "I just want to discover all the secrets Santae has to offer. I want to open the world to all adventurers, and let everyone have the magical experience that I have when I discover new places".
cast their line again at another rippling spot before offering a suggestion excitedly - "Well, I'd be more than happy to let you and your adventurers visit me at my Minimal Ranch, if they're able to help me clean up the waterways! I dont get many visitors and I can always use an extra pair of hands - or 7 - to help look after my mischievous Minimals!"

"Consider it done."
Vespera said as she scrawled a note on a piece of paper before handing it to Dew along with a big juicy Berry..

"Dew, I need you to deliver this note to the residents of
Flying Pinnacles. It's the closest land from here so it should only take you a day to fly there. This note tells them to try fishing in Stormforge Haven to see what they find"..
After eating the Berry in just two bites,
Dew fluttered off East, towards the Pinnacles and was soon a dot in the distance, flying high above the trees.

turned back to Silvershade - "Dont worry. I'm going to share this location with all Santarians. You'll get help cleaning up this water very soon!"

held up more of their haul -

"Yeah, I really do appreciate that Vespera.. but what are we going to do with all this Trash?"

"Dont worry",
Vespera said with a smile on her face. "I know someone who will accept these items. I'm heading back to the Marketplace to meet a friend. I'll be back soon. My adventurer friends will be here to help you shortly".

They said their goodbyes, and
Vespera, River and Henrietta started heading back towards where she came from. "I know EXACTLY, who will be able to help us get rid of all this trash" she thought to herself, with a feeling of excitement and unknowing.

Head over to the Lani Archipelagos to the newfound Solar Sands location and cast your line in these uncharted waters. Your discoveries are sure to help Vespera uncover what could be going on in the waters and where all this trash is coming from. You can also access it from the new "Fishing" menu under the "Explore" menu option.

Stay tuned for more updates from Vespera in her quest to uncover the origins of the mysterious egg, and hopefully restore these once beautiful waters to their pristine nature.

Your Opinion Matters

We recently asked our community for feedback, and we are so thankful for the overwhelmingly positive response!

We are now pleased to reveal that the mystery unreleased figurine was in fact.. a Harlowin! This figurine IS included in the Alpha Rollover Policy, so ANY Divine Harlowin Figurine used on a pet, will return back to your inventory after our Alpha Wipe!

Divine Calil Harlowin FigurineDivine Canary Harlowin FigurineDivine Charcoal Harlowin FigurineDivine Carnation Harlowin FigurineDivine Carrot Harlowin FigurineDivine Cerulean Harlowin FigurineDivine Chalk Harlowin FigurineDivine Carbon Harlowin FigurineDivine Chateau Harlowin FigurineDivine Crimson Harlowin FigurineDivine Natural Harlowin Figurine

We're still working on distributing them so if you havent received it yet, please be patient - we had MANY more responses than we could have possibly hoped for! <3

We're going to be releasing more of them over time, so watch out for giveaways and random events!

Netty Nexus is giving away Elite Fishing Rods!

Netty Nexus has informed us that she filled her sales quota and has enough spare supplies to equip the citizens of Santae join in with the Fishing Adventures!

Watch out for your free Elite Fishing Rod in your SanMail soon!

Alpha 2.0 Concludes + A gift from Santae

31 Jul, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Attention all Santarians: Alpha Testing Applications are now closed.

Back in May 2024 when we initially opened our Alpha phase, we couldn't have imagined how successful our Alpha testing would be. Since we started, we have issued over 2,000 Alpha Codes!

As of the time of this post, we have stopped sending out alpha codes to new testing applications, however we intend for the site to remain open until mid-late September! Keep an eye on the news for when we announce our exciting Kickstarter Campaign in the near future!

On behalf of the entire staff team, we would like to thank you all for helping to test the site over the last few months. Your kindness, love and support have encouraged and inspired us to keep our heads down and keep pushing out new content - almost daily!

Some exciting Stats:

Forum Posts:6,555
Forum Topics:990
Items added to Collections:75,274
Harlowin Eggs Hatched:748
Berry Tree - Berries Foraged:43,694
Sword in the Stone Attempts:31,173
Sword in the Stone Wins:599
Items Gathered:171,895
Times pets have gone Gathering:57,818
Gooppers Evolved:966
Items added to Wardrobes:165,074
Games Played:197,260
Quests Completed:285,982
Quests Failed:106,979
News Posts:117
News Likes:3,631
'Secret' Avatars Unlocked:13,753
Trophies Unlocked:3,830
User Items Generated:1,189,297
User Items In Existence:433,446
Minimals attached to pets:2,530
Pets Created:7,902
Items bought from Usershops:138,506
Notifications Generated:215,954

Your Opinion Matters

Users that have joined our Official Discord Server have been participating with our 'discord-exclusive' Random Events. The latest random event asks for user feedback in exchange for a mystery item! Make sure to join our discord if you haven't already so that you can also participate with any future Random Events.

The mystery unreleased Divine Figurine will be issued (with a random color awarded) to ALL USERS willing to give us your opinion before midnight today!

This item is included in the Alpha Rollover Policy, so it will be returned to your account once we complete our Alpha Wipe at the end of the alpha testing period.

Make sure to share your opinion here!

The forum topic will be locked at midnight and we'll be processing the rewards within 24 hours of the random event ending!

Minimal Surprise

As a thank you to our amazing community for helping us with so much valuable feedback, bug reports and suggestions, we have decided to gift EVERYONE a free Cash Shop Minimal!

Keep an eye on your inbox over the next hour as SanBot works tirelessly to send them all out! Everyone will get ONE, and it will be completely random from the following items (previously only available in the cash shop):





Barnaby's letter to Netty Nexus

30 Jul, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

After receiving an interesting letter from across the world, Netty Nexus would like to announce that she has started stocking new items! Today via SanMail, she received the following:

Dear esteemed fellow merchant, Netty,
I am writing to inform you of a profitable opportunity ahead! Recently, I encountered Vespera during her exploration of the Lani Archipelagos. Given her history of uncovering new and exciting locations, I believe she'll soon discover our prime fishing spots, ripe for profit.

I suggest you begin stocking fishing rods in preparation for Vespera's imminent announcement, expected in just a few days. Your expert fishing gear will surely be in high demand, providing you with a unique opportunity.

Additionally, supplying adventurers with the right tools will attract more people willing to exchange their items for my sanDust.

Vespera's adventurers are bound to bring a large crowd to our shores, and we must be ready to welcome them with open cash registers arms.!

Make sure to send me a cut of the profits!

All the best,

Barnaby Scrapworth

Netty frowned as she read the letter aloud. She offers fair prices on her wares for adventurers, and she is not going to forsake her morals now - just for a chance at extra  sanPoints.

"Dont worry adventurers, I WILL start selling fishing rods in my store, however I will definitely not be sharing any "profit cuts" with Barnaby. If I can sell enough stock before Vespera announces her discovery, I will send you all a free Elite Fishing Rod to start your fishing adventure!"

Netty Nexus has new fishing rods stocking in Tangle and Tote.

Old Fishing Rod Good Fishing Rod Great Fishing Rod Super Fishing Rod Elite Fishing Rod