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Vespera Meets Master Yushe, New Fishing Locations Discovered & Captain Finn makes an Appearance

04 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Vespera meets Master Yushe

From the moment she left Lani Archipelagos, Vespera had travelled cautiously through the dense forests heading northwards - towards the Flamefall Cascades and had just started to navigate around the Ember Springs Lava Pits.

It had been two days since Vespera had convinced Barnaby to accept the trash found while fishing at his sanDust exchange. She was aware that the community were doing their best to fish up trash - but it just wasnt enough. Santarians were getting tired - the fishing gear was expensive, and the rewards were not very bountiful.

She clambered over a small hill into a large clearing. She could see just how close she was to the Cascades at this point - with the giant volcanoes looming over the lava pits like dormant guardians watching over the barren wasteland.

In the center of the clearing was an older gentleman who appeared to be encouraging two Natural Ogrelings to lift boulders above their head. It was Master Yushe - Flamefall Cascade's martial arts master.

Vespera walked towards Master Yushe and once he saw her approaching he said authoritatively to the pets "Well done, Ogrelings. Your training is complete. Please return to the temple for hydration and to await for your owners to return".

The Ogrelings both dropped their boulders with a thud, creating a loud boom that must have been heard for miles around, and bounced ripples across the nearest lava pool.
"Vespera!", Master Yushe started, "As always, it is a pleasure to see you.".

Vespera braced herself - she knew what was coming. "Master Yushe - it has been a while! How are -" and before she could finish her sentence, Master Yushe hollered "AGILITY!" and picked up 5 berries in quick succession and threw them directly at her.
She managed to deflect two of them, before the third splatted on her gown. She ducked, and the remaining 2 flew over her head and into the pool of lava behind her.
"Do you have to do that every time we meet?" Vespera clamored as she started to laugh. "Absolutely!" Master Yushe grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Keeps you sharp.".

Vespera and Master Yushe shared a special bond that had developed over decades. While she had never seen him smile while training adventurers' pets, it was always a joy to witness him break his normally serious demeanor when they were alone. She looked up to him as a father figure and held great respect for him, and his wisdom.

"Ah! River!" Master Yushe exclaimed, his eyes wide with compassion, "Vespera has raised you well! The last time I saw you, you were just a small chick, and now you're all grown up!". Master Yushe reached down and grabbed some berries off the ground before throwing them high up in the air. With that, River chirped excitedly before spreading her wings and flying up after the berries.

"I know why you're here Vespera, but you didnt need to come. Word has already reached Flamefall - we, along with several other districts are preparing to allow adventurers to fish at our gathering locations."

Vespera stood silent for a moment. "Well, in that case, it seems I don't need to rush to the council hall after all - AGILITY!", and in the blink of an eye, Vespera swooped down and grabbed several berries off the ground before throwing them in quick succession at Master Yushe .. and before her very eyes he moved almost faster than the human eye could see - successfully deflecting all 5 berries with his bare fists.

New Fishing Locations Discovered!

Adventurers rejoice! More fishing locations are now available to visit to help clear the Fishing Trash for Vespera and Silvershade!

The trash cleanup efforts appear to be successful so far, as adventurers have observed a resurgence of fish species that were once abundant in these areas starting to return.

Inferno SalmonAurora TroutMoonshadow CatfishLullabye BassCrystalline SeahorseWispwing Butterflyfish

Reports have also come in of adventurers reeling in Runes while fishing. Silvershade has even reported they have caught a new mysterious Rune at Solar Sands.

Shadows Elixir Rune Peaks Crystal Rune Coral Sands Rune  Flamefall Rune Heartwoods Acorn Rune Floating Pinnacle Runes

Alpha 2.0 Referral Contest Update

We completed the second raffle - this was exclusively for anyone who only earned between 1-4 referrals and weren't eligible for the guaranteed Wispyr at 5 referrals.

The winners of this raffle are:


Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine
Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine

Your prize (Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine) has already been sent to you!

Introducing Captain Finn

"G'day adventurers! I heard about all these fishing locations appearing and decided to start up my own store - Cast & Catch where I'll be selling specialized fishing equipment to help with fishing. I've already got a shipment of Fishing Bait being delivered to me in the next few days, so keep checking back!"

For the duration of the event, Fishing Rods will be available at "Cast & Catch" and "Tangle & Tote"

New Background Available in the Cash Shop

Enchant your HA with this Illuminated Candlelit Chamber - now available in the cash shop! This mystical item not only adds a touch of magic to your HA but also a breathtaking background.

Illuminated Candlelit Chamber
Illuminated Candlelit Chamber

Referral Contest Results & Community Event Update - New Fishing Location

03 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Rose Clearwater's Presentation

It was a warm Summer afternoon as class was just about to end at the Pinnacles Academic Hall. Rose Clearwater, a scholar and the lead researcher of a team dedicated to the studies of mythical creatures was just finishing her lecture to 400 students on the different class systems of pets and why they are distinct.

"...and ultimately through my research I have discovered that there are 4 distinct classes of pets in the world of Santae - Primal, Arcane, Luminary and Radiant.

Primal pets are very common. Most Santarians own at least one or more to explore the world with.

Examples of this class -"
Rose pointed at the slideshow on the board behind her.
"- are the ferocious Direfang, or the Adorable Pippim!"

Rose fumbled with her clicker, before finally pressing the button, which revealed two crudely drawn sketches of creatures that looked nothing like any known pets:

"Arcane pets are pets that we know existed in the world. We have clear evidence of their presence from the past, and their histories are well documented. Other than the Grusim which is rumored to have been recently discovered at the Lava Caves, no one alive has ever seen any other pet of this class, such as the Phasmic or Rhymoss."

Rose clicked her clicker, and a beautiful blue dragon-like creature appeared on the screen.

"This is a Drava. It has been extinct for thousands of years until recently. Our wonderful explorer, Vespera, stumbled upon a cave full of Divine Drava Figurines which can turn your pet into a Drava. No known cases of the Drava live in the wild naturally, and so therefore this, along with the Raylen, are considered the Luminary pet class."

Rose clicked her clicker one final time, and many in the class gasped in awe.

"These sketches are of the WispyrQuibbit and Kyree - they are based on ancient descriptions of these creatures. This is the rarest pet class - the Radiant class. These creatures are thought to be just myth and might not have even ever existed at all. It is down to us, as academics to uncover the mysteries of these pets if we are ever to determine the truth about their origins."

Just as Rose finished her lecture, the bell rang, and her class started to file out of the classroom. Fighting against the hoard of scurrying students came one of Rose's research assistants, Dawn.

"Come.. quick...", she gasped, out of breath, she had clearly been running. Before Rose could even reply, Dawn followed up with "You need to see this!" and started running back the way she came, with her wings fluttering excitedly.

Rose and Dawn rushed out into the streets of the Floating Pinnacles - Rose's home ever since she was a child, to find a circle of residents around a hovering Iricampus.


"That is Vespera's Iricampus - Dew!" one researcher shouted out - "and it is holding a letter!".

Rose walked over to the Iricampus. "So, little friend. Do you bring us news from Vespera?". Dew dropped the letter at Rose's feet, and Rose unfurled it and read it aloud;

"Dear Pinnacle researchers, I met with Silvershade at the Minimal Ranch, and I think they have stumbled onto something here - possibly a new creature!

In order to test our theory, we need to clear the waterways of trash. I'm sending my best adventurers there soon to come help fish at the Stormforge Caverns. If we clear the trash, we might get a glimpse of the creature!
Tell the adventurers to send their trash to the Lani Archipelagoes.
- Vespera"

After reading the letter, Rose's eyes glazed over as she remembered casual bedtime stories such as "The Grumpy Grusim", "Kyree & Me", "Whispers of the Wispyr" and "Phasmic's Neon Nightmare" as a small child. She was inspired by Myth, driven by it. "What happened to these pets of legend?", "Were they fabricated just to scare the children? Or is there some truth to them?".. All sorts of questions would go around her child-mind day-and-night, and it's that motivation that drove her to pursue an education and career focused on studying them - were any of them ever real? Or were they just folklore that our parents told us?

Rose snapped back to the present. Tears filled her eyes.

"We must allow the adventurers to fish in the Caverns! Dawn, spread the word - let's see what we find!"

Head deep into these Caverns via the "Fishing" button on the "Explore" menu to see if we can help Vespera clear all the Fishing Trash!

Comment on this news post telling us which location you think will be revealed next, and if you are correct, you will receive a FREE Elite Fishing Rod!

Elite Fishing Rod
Elite Fishing Rod

Community Event Update

Barnaby has cleared out his storage locker and now has more space for all the trash that is being handed over. He will now accept 100 items per hour while we work towards the Community Goal!

Barnaby: "Bring your Fishing Trash to my stall - I have plenty of  sanDust to exchange!"

Alpha 2.0 Referral Contest Results!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Referral Contest!

We have published a complete list of everyone's referrals so far - the list can be found here.

Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine
Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine

We have also ran a randomizer raffle on all referrals and the following winners will be receiving a
Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine:


In addition to that, we are are also rewarding this figurine to anyone who gained at least 5 referrals!
Feel free to check the list to see how many you referred!

And lastly.. some users went above and beyond with their referrals, so we have decided to award 1 Pet Adoption Papers to all users who referred at least 10 referrals!
Pet Adoption Papers
Pet Adoption Papers

All prizes will be distributed within the next 24 hours!

Vespera's Proposition, Community Event Begins & A Gift from Santae

02 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Vespera's Proposition

After a long and perilous journey back to the Marketplace at Lani Archipelagoes, Vespera was feeling exhausted, but energized. She had plenty of time on this journey to conjure an offer and she felt it was something that Barnaby could not refuse.

As she approached his stall, she overheard Barnaby's conversation with some adventurers - 
"But I just want a few  sanDust!" the adventurer stammered. "Sorry, but this Fishing Trash has no value. What am I supposed to do with it?" Barnaby replied.

Vespera waited for the adventurer to pick up their haul and walk away before approaching Barnaby, with River following close behind her.

"You know..." Vespera started, while stroking her Raylen's feathers, " I bet you could find a use for all the trash items if you put your mind to it..?".
Barnaby looked at her and rolled his eyes. "See, the problem Vespera, isnt that I cant accept them - it's that Adventurers only need  sanDust to tame the Grusim. Once they have a Grusim Figurine, they stop bringing me their items to exchange. So I have to pick and choose which items I'll accept as I know each Adventurer will soon forget to bring me more valuable items..."

Vespera stood silent, a huge grin across her face. "What?" asked Barnaby "- I need to make a living out here too!".
"So if there were more things for adventurers to spend their  sanDust on, you would be willing to accept the Fishing Trash, right?", Vespera said, now leading Barnaby into her proposal.

"Of course I would" Barnaby snapped back, appearing somewhat annoyed at Vespera's puzzling approach to this conversation.

"It's settled then. When I return from my adventure, I'll arrange for a new store to open up - one where all Santarians can visit to spend their  sanDust on rare artifacts and prizes - on the condition that you agree to exchange Fishing Trash for  sanDust going forw-"

"Done.", Barnaby interjected.

A Community Event is now Active

Barnaby is now accepting Fishing Trash in exchange for  sanDust! He has agreed to report to Vespera once the community has sent him 100,000 Fishing Trash items!

Watch out for more fishing locations opening up as Dew continues her journey across Aleriea and Valaria!

Referral Contest Update + FINAL Round of Alpha Testing!

We've ended Alpha 2.0 with an OVERHELMINGLY positive response, along with even more users joining our community, even after applications closed (Welcome!)! We've also had 50+ comments just on our tiktok asking when we would be open again as more people would like to participate.

We have deliberated this and decided to go ahead with one FINAL round of alpha testing applications.

Tomorrow, Saturday 3rd August we will be processing all Referrals, and announcing the raffle winners. We will also publish a list of all users who referred and how many referrals they had.

This new round of alpha applications will be available starting Sunday 4th August through to Sunday 25th August.  Any applications received after 23:59:59 SST on August 25th will not be counted for this referral contest. <3

With this alpha wave, we're going to start an ALL NEW referral contest for this phase. Only referrals during Alpha 3.0 will be eligible for these rewards. 

A referral is considered valid by putting the referring members's username into the "referred by" field on the application.  All referrals are manually verified by The Santae Team. Anyone found to be submitting false/fake referrals will lose their eligibility for this contest and referral prizes.

We will be adding a UI onsite within the first week where you will be able to see how many referrals you have had. Stand by for more information on that.

Each referral will count as a raffle ticket. The raffle will be for those members who may not have many people they know to refer, thus members who receive 1-4 referrals will be eligible for this raffle, If you manage to refer 5+ new members, you will automatically receive the Wispyr. 10 lucky winners of this raffle will win a Divine Wispyr Figurine - COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE 

If you get 5+ referrals, you will receive a guaranteed Divine Wispyr Figurine - COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE 

If you get 5 referrals, you are guaranteed a Divine Wispyr Figurine - Color of your choice, however, to give more incentive to refer more members to our beautiful community, each additional 5 referrals you obtain, you will win another Divine Wispyr Figurine (color of your choice) with a max of 13 Wispyr Figurines. (Ex: I received 10 referrals, this would qualify you to win two (2) Divine Wispyr Figurines of your choice of color)

Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine Divine Charcoal Wispyr Figurine Divine Carbon Wispyr Figurine Divine Chalk Wispyr Figurine Divine Carnation Wispyr Figurine Divine Calil Wispyr Figurine Divine Cerulean Wispyr Figurine Divine Chateau Wispyr Figurine Divine Canary Wispyr Figurine Divine Carrot Wispyr Figurine Divine Crimson Wispyr Figurine Divine Pipsqueak Wispyr Figurine

Additionally, for each referral you get (up to 8),  you will receive ONE random item from the below "Referral Prizes"
(Each item is a max of 1 per person, per referral up to 8 -- These items have been added to the Alpha Rollover Policy)

(These prizes WILL be available in the future via referrals during beta and beyond!)

You'll also receive the "Bring a Friend" medal for your first referral!

This information about the ALL NEW Referral Contest has been placed at the bottom of every page.

Thank you for your participation!

By now you know that we LOVE TO REWARD THE COMMUNITY!

With that in mind we're sending everyone a random Cash Shop Chest - a Sunlords Chest or a Sea Sovereign Counch!
Keep an eye on your SanMail to receive one of those soon!

Sunlords Chest
Sunlords Chest
Sea Sovereigns Conch
Sea Sovereigns Conch