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Fishing Trash is clearing - more fish appearing!

10 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Barnaby wonders where the Fishing Trash has gone..

Barnaby looked up and down the street and there wasn't an adventurer in sight. It was a far cry from the queues of adventurers that were eager to hand over their trash less than a week ago. "How can i profit from this, if people wont come and hand over their items?" he thought to himself.

After a few hours of no visitors, he decided to leave his stall and go take a stroll near the ocean front to see if people were still pulling up trash. While meandering along, he stumbled upon Captain Finn. "Ahoy Finn!" Barnaby said,

"How ya going, mate?" Captain Finn replied, while casually sitting in a deck chair, an Elite Fishing Rod stretched out at his feet. "Have you been, uh, fishing much? I havent seen much trash coming my way in the last few days? Vespera assured me adventurers would keep bringing it for as long as it existed?", Barnaby said inquisitively. "That's right! I've been fishing all afternoon! Look at these beauties!" replied Finn, just as he held up his latest catch -

Heartkeeper Angelfish

"Woah, that.. is a beautiful fish.." Barnaby started, while his eyes started to survey the surrounding area to see what else Finn had pulled up "-found any other interesting items by any chance? Maybe some Fishing Trash?"

Finn looked at his haul of items in front of him "Well, actually, I found this Old Boot.. but most of my catches in the last few days have all been fish - it seems the amazing work of the adventurers has come full circle - all sorts of fish species are returning to our waterways - this is fantastic news!"

Barnaby rolled his eyes before turning away. "yeah.. fantastic.." he murmurer as he started walking back to his stall..

New Fish spotted throughout all fishing spots

Make sure to stock up on Fishing Bait - many new fish varieties have been spotted at all fishing spots!

Heartkeeper AngelfishVolcanic EelSanCarpLuminous PikeStarlight Guppy

Path to the Quibbit? Skylar has a plan! (+ New Rarity Tier)

09 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

 After Silvershade left, Skylar was so thrilled to know that all the research they had done on this was finally coming to fruition, and didnt leave the beach until another 50 Quibbspawn had been caught, and their very own Quibblet had hatched. Skylar named their bouncy new Minimal "Hop".


Skylar examined it closely before pulling out a scrap paper from their satchel. "Hmmm. You definitely dont look like the drawings. I'm confident that you aren't the mythological Quibbit from the drawings.. buut, maybe you know something about this pet?."

Hop wriggled knowingly. Skylar smiled as if understanding what the Minimal was saying, before opening their satchel and placing the paper back inside. "Let's figure out this mystery together." Skylar declared.

After taking some time to rest and experiment with different foods to see what Hop likes (Berries!), Skylar waded out into the clear water of the Solar Sands to see how much Quibbspawn was in the water.

They were so thrilled that the adventurers had banded together to clear the trash from the waterways. There were still small pockets of lingering trash, but for the most part, the water was clear and visible. After a few hours of exploring and observing the calm waters, and watching other adventurers catch QuibbspawnSkylar noticed something... odd. It seemed that new Quibbspawn was floating into the Solar Sands bay at a consistent rate - as adventurers caught Quibbspawn, all the others in the water would redistribute, almost as if they had a mind of their own.

"This is the key..", Skylar said out loud "- this is how we can find the source. As long as adventurers continue to catch Quibbspawn, I'll be able to follow their origins to see where they are coming from!". Skylar looked down, and Hop looked extremely excited. Skylar didnt know if the little tadpole creature could understand the words, but they felt like Hop would be a new, lifelong companion.

Skylar: "Adventurers, please keep collecting Quibbspawn! As you pull them from fishing and gathering, I'll follow the trail!"

Quibbspawn has become Widespread

 Our newest rarity tier, Widespread, is a temporary rarity that indicates that this item is Extremely Common. Quibbspawn is the first item to obtain this rarity and will retain this rarity until the current Community Event concludes! Watch out for more Widespread items in the future!

Quibbspawn Secrets Revealed + Figurine Update

08 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Quibbspawn is now appearing at Gathering Locations

Vespera had been at Flamefall Cascades for a few days - she figured she may as well gather while she was in the area, as she doesnt come to Flamefall very often. She had placed River, her Raylen, to gather at Ember Springs only a few hours ago, and it was almost time to go and see what treasures had turned up.

When she got there however, River was flapping her wings wildly. "Ok, ok, calm down! What did you find?" Vespera said calmly as she tossed a berry at Rivers feet.

Vespera poured out the contents of the now Broken Elite Pouch, and threw the pouch to the side. To her astonishment, there was something glistening in the pile of items. "Oh - could it be..?". Vespera recognised that glint - it was a Quibbspawn!

"Woah! So now they are appearing at gathering locations too? River, we need to keep gathering! Let's see if we can find some more!".

Vespera pulled out a fresh Elite Pouch and held it out - "Ready to go gather again?" she said to the magnificent bird, now stretching her wings wide.

River had finished eating her berry at this point, and hopped excitedly up to Vespera - River's favourite thing to do was exploring the unknown. She grasped the pouch in her claws and gave Vespera an affectionate peck before flying up, high above the springs.

Quibbspawn hatches into a Minimal - the Quibblet!

Back at Solar Sands, Silvershade and Skylar had been working together - Silvershade was fishing and reeling in items, and Skylar had been making treks back and forth to Barnaby to keep the golden beach clear of the trash. Skylar had just returned as Silvershade got another bite on their rod.

"That is quite the pile of Quibbspawn we have pulled up so far!" Skylar exclaimed. "Yeah I just counted them - there is 49 in total" Silvershade replied, "well, 50 if we include this one", as they fumbled with the fresh Quibbspawn now dangling from their fishing line.
"Amazing!" Skylar responded "I wonder what is inside-"

Before Skylar could finish their sentence, they watched in astonishment. Silvershade had just placed the fresh Quibbspawn into the pile, and straight away the pile had begun to vibrate. Both Silvershade and Skylar took a step back in unison, as the pile of eggs started to dissolve. Some of the eggs popped, some deflated, but the pile was shrinking fast.

After a few moments, the process was complete, and all that remained were empty shells of Quibbspawn scattering the area, shrinking and draining into the sand.. and in the center of the pile was a small tadpole-like creature.

"Oh gosh!" Skylar said - "That... is a Minimal!"


"Wait! Does it need to be in water?" Silvershade asked, worried that it looks like an aquatic creature. "Nope" Skylar responded "- this is a Quibblet. It's a Minimal, and it's amphibious - we learned all about them when I was studying with Rose". Silvershade swooped down and picked up the creature in their arms, "I will name you.. Quin!". 
The small minimal froze for a moment before nuzzling into Silvershade's chest. It seemed very content.

"I'm going to get this little guy back to my Minimal Ranch. I'm sure it will fit right in with all my Minimals" Silvershade said softly, a small happy-tear rolling down their face.

"That sounds great" Skylar replied, examining the remaining egg shells. "I'm going to stay here and try to catch more. We need to study this phenomenon - I recall from my studies a cove where these originate from. I'm going to try and find the source!"

After they bid farewell, Silvershade and Quin started the trek back towards Silvershade's Minimal Ranch. "I'm excited to show you to my adventurer friends! When we get back, we'll announce that our doors are open for Adventurers to come visit!"

Figurines Updated!

To help distinguish our Divine figurines with our non-divine figurines, our team has been working through all the art work in order to standardize their orientation.

Going forward, Divine figurines will always face to the right:
Divine Prismatic Drava Figurine Divine Natural Raylen Figurine Divine Charcoal Wispyr Figurine

..and our Non-divine figurines will always face to the left:
Prismatic Drava Figurine Natural Raylen Figurine Charcoal Wispyr Figurine

We hope that this change will help give a greater distinction between the two types of figurine (in addition to the Divine figurines also having a 'base' to the image).