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Official Kickstarter Trailer Released + Elemental Minimals

13 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

We have submitted our Kickstarter for Review!

We're so excited to finally share our kickstarter with the community!
Our Kickstarter Campaign will officially launch on 30th August 2024, and we hope that the page will be available as soon as the Kickstarter team has reviewed our content!

Below we reveal, for the first time, our Kickstarter Trailer Video! (Make sure you have audio turned on!)

(Psst. Dont tell Ember - Until the Kickstarter page is available, you can preview some of the Kickstarter rewards herehere and here - the Regal pet colors are not currently available to preview. - CJ)

Mischievous new Minimals channel the elements

Vespera’s camp on the outskirts of the Flamefall Cascades was the perfect place to spend the night before continuing her journey. The soft volcanic sand was surprisingly comfortable, and the crew had left the hazards of the Lava Pits far behind. All that was left to do was relax in the shadow of the mountains, and then decide where her adventures would take her next!

Vespera dozed in her tent across from River, who was roosting with one Minimal tucked under each wing. But then she shivered, tucking the blankets closer around herself. Since when was this part of Aleriea so cold?

A chilly mist crept in around the edges of the tent, and Vespera snapped wide awake. “That’s unusual,” she mused aloud. “Dew!” She called out to wake the Minimal. With the ability to soar in the high atmosphere and swim beneath frigid seas, the Iricampus was the perfect choice to go investigate the strange chill. “Will you go outside and take a look?”


Dew took off with one last affectionate nuzzle for River, and the others settled in to wait.

But after just a minute the tent started to feel stuffy and hot, all signs of unseasonable chill evaporated. Vespera narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. “Henrietta, your turn,” she said to the Phoehen. “Please go see what’s causing this heat.” River lifted her wing and the little Phoehen hopped out, ready for adventure.

Henrietta ducked under the tent flap and fluttered out into the night.


One minute passed, and then another. Slowly, the unnatural heat faded. Vespera and River exchanged a curious glance with each other. 

Then: CRACK!

River squawked and flapped as Vespera scrambled to her feet. That sounded just like a clap of thunder – right outside the tent!

Cold, heat, and a tiny thunderstorm…what could possibly be causing all of this?

Vespera and River tumbled out of the tent in a tangle of legs and wings, and fell right into the answer.

Dew and Henrietta were both there, flying circles above three creatures Vespera had never seen before: One glowed like a flame, another shimmered like ice, and the last threw off brilliant electrical sparks. The trio romped together, occasionally leaping up to include Henrietta and Dew in their game of tag.


“Amazing!” Vespera grinned as she watched the elemental trio at play. Waves of heat and cold alternated over the clearing, occasionally interrupted by the crackle of electricity as the Minimals playfully tested their abilities against one another.

“I’ve never seen anything like them,” Vespera said. “I’m sure other adventurers across Santae will be excited to learn about these three, too!”

Is your pet ready for a mischievous elemental companion of its own? For a limited time, you can find the PyraflameFrosthara, and Volatrix at Vespera's Cash Shop!

As a reminder, all sC purchases are covered by the Alpha Rollover Policy.
These loyal companions will rejoin you when the site moves to Beta and beyond!

Skylar discovers Quibbit Cove - Community Event Update!

12 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Quibbit Cove has been discovered

Skylar disembarked their boat - they had been sailing for a few hours, following the trail of Quibbspawn as they floated in the ocean. The trail had led right up the a beach just outside Sanctuary. And right there - on the coast - was a cave where the Quibbspawn were trickling out from a shallow stream into the water.

Skylar set Hop, their Quibblet, down on the ground, and straight away it dropped into the stream and started swimming towards the cave, "Hop, wait for-", Skylar started, but before they could finish the sentence, Hop was gone into the depths of the Cave. 

After a brief moment of panic, Skylar composed themself, grabbed their backpack and headed into the darkness. After what felt like an eternity of following the stream through a narrow passage, the cave opened up into a wide, open space, with an eerie glow from the water projecting around the cave. As Skylar stepped forward, Hop re-appeared and started nuzzling Skylar's leg to be picked up. "See, dont scurry off like that! We dont know what is in here". Hop then perched itself on it's favourite place to sit - on Skylar's shoulder .

As their eyes adjusted to the dimmed light, Skylar began to see shapes in around the cave and suddenly it dawned on them - these are the Ancient species they learned about from attending Rose's lectures... 

To their surprise, It was a cave full of Quibbspawn, Quibblet's and.. "Wow, these must be the Quibbit species!" Skylar exclaimed, "They exist!". Their voice echoed around the small cave, "They are even more magical than depicted" Skylar said with awe, meanwhile all the creatures stopped to look and stare.. before retreating deeper into the cove and out of sight. Skylar, being an environmentalist, decided they didn't want to stay long - best not to disrupt the ecosystem.

"The Quibbit must be the final form - I'm certain" Skylar whispered out loud. "How.. do you grow up little guy?" Skylar said jokingly to Hop.  For a moment they both were frozen in place, making eye contact, before Hop began to rummage in Skylar's backpack looking for a juicy treat. "Woah, little guy - we'll eat when we get back to the beach, Dont you worry - I've got your favorite berries... but in the mean time, let's see.." Skylar fumbled with their notebook, "There is nothing in here saying how you evolve - this is clearly another secret that has been lost to time." 

One thing I can say is that you little guys love to eat berries, and for being so little you can sure eat a lot."

Skylar pondered for moment before deciding they need to research this knowledge that has been lost - for the benefit of all Santarians.

"Adventurers - you know where I am, help me solve this mystery, please bring me your Quibblets and other supplies. I need to explore this further, we must work together!"

Maybe when Silvershade opens their Ranch, we'll have more opportunities to obtain Quibblets?

Community Event Update

The community has helped Skylar with making this monumental discovery - The Quibbit Cove
Through everyone's immense help and perseverance, Skylar has also discovered a new pet species, that until now, was thought to be extinct - the Quibbit.

Skylar is confident that the secret to obtaining your very own Quibbit lies in evolving a Quibblet. "But evolve a minimal?" Skylar wondered. To help advance the research, please bring your collected items from fishing and gathering, along with Quibbletsand help assist Skylar in this exciting discovery!

Merrick returns with New Minimals

Merick has announced that more Minimals are now restocking at Minimal Menagerie! Head over to Minimal Menagerie to get yours today!

Fennec Mystiflow Whisperbeak Shadowgleam Rattles Ferrsel

Referral Contest continues during Alpha 3.0

We're almost halfway through our Alpha 3.0 phase where we have had many new players come to join us! Remember - we have a referral contest underway - refer someone to apply for an alpha testing account, and as long as they put your name, you'll enter a raffle to get a Wispyr! (5 referrals guarantees you a Wispyr!).
We are also offering additional referral-exclusive prizes for each referral you send to Santae (Max of 8).

Coloring Contest Begins + Pets Refreshed!

11 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Coloring Contest on Alpha General Chat Discord



Create an awesome color using the lines that are shared above, of the Wispyr, Blepp and/or Pipsqueak Ogreling! The colors can be a new unique color or your rendition of an existing color. This contest will run until Thursday August 15th 29th! member is limited to one entry, however you can color as many as you'd like, only 3 will be allowed to be submitted for your entry, (ex: could be 3 wispyr, 2 of one, 1 of each etc.)

You can use any media you would like to colorize these (ex: Crayons, Colored Pencils, Markers, Water Paints, Digital Coloring etc) Every entry has to have all your submissions on it, please do not make multiple posts as they will get missed.


 Each entry will receive a random rollover gift from The Santae Team. The overall winners will be judged after the contest finishes, and there will be a poll on discord of who you all vote for to determine the winners.

Winning Contest Prizes:

1st) Divine Wispyr and Blepp Figurine of your choice

2nd) Divine Wispyr or Blepp Figurine of your choice

3rd) Any two Current or Previous Cash Shop Items of your choice.

Divine Natural Blepp Figurine Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine

Be sure to send your entries to the newly created Official Alpha Contest channel here.  

Good Luck and we cannot wait to see what you all come up with! 

Disclaimer: These colorings cannot be used to submit an artist application as they are official Santae Artwork, applications should showcase your own line-art, anatomy and shading style. Enteries cannot be submitted if the coloring was not completed by the member submitting the work. (Ex. You send the lineart to an artist or friend and have them color it, they send it back to you so you can submit the work.) These images are Copyrighted by Santae Entertainment and cannot be resold for a profit or distributed without prior authorization from Santae Entertainment LLC. The artwork cannot be submitted as your own original work as the lineart is Official Santae art. If you do share on another server or platform, please include (These images belong to Santae Entertainment LLC).

The First Official Santae Baking Contest Has Ended

The First Official Santae Baking Contest has now ended and entries are now being judged by the community, Winners will be announced on August 15th! The submissions you all made, absolutely blew everyones minds, you each brought to life the world of Santae, each and everyone of you have so much talent, and the way you captured the very essence of Santae In Real Life, was breathtaking <3 


Great Job Everyone!

Every participant of the contest will receive:

Jar of SanDust

The Submissions will be voted on by the community from the 12th-15th of August 12:59:59 SST on Discord! Every member who votes will be put into a raffle to win one of three previously available Cash Shop minimals: the GaiamanderHalosnake and Nebulagon!

Halosnake Gaiamander Nebulagon

Crimson & Carrot Revamped!

We have been working hard behind the scenes to revamp our current lineup of standard color pets! The Crimson and Carrot colors have officially been completed and are now on site for everyone to enjoy! Be sure to keep an eye out for more color revamps coming soon! 



We are also working on revamping the figurines and plushies, so please stay tuned for that update as well! <3