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Santae Banner Update, Herding Changes, Plushie Machine Repair & Upcoming Contest!

16 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

New site banner tracks day and night

The site has been updated with a beautiful new main banner that holds a helpful secret – each hour it changes from day to night!

The new banners will help you keep track of time-based features across Santae. Adventurers now have an easy way to plan their treks across the Flamefall Cascades to the Lava Cave. Those who seek the nest to hatch their Harlowin Eggs should visit the Cave during the day. Those who wish to tame a Grusim of their very own should enter the Cave at night.

In the future, perhaps even more areas across Santae will reveal different secrets during the sunny days and mysterious nights. Happy adventuring!

Herding has been adjusted

Over at the Minimal Ranch, Silvershade is now offering adventurers the chance to buy Minimal-taming supplies every two hours. Make sure to stock up on the berries, toys, and plushies you’ll need to tame those slippery Quibblets!

Herding encounters have also been slightly adjusted. When encountering a Minimal, there is now a 5-second wait before the “flee” bar will begin to increase. Additionally, using a berry will now not increase the “flee” bar quite as fast.

Plushie Machine Repair!

Adventurers looking to use the Plushie Machine to get more herding materials will be happy to hear that the machine has received a small repair! It will no longer drop your prize: In exchange for a Plushie Machine Token you will now receive a plushie or an sP prize every time.

Plushie Machine TokenPlushie Machine TokenPlushie Machine Token

Kickstarter pre-launch celebrations are underway

We have added a Kickstarter banner at the top of the page, counting down to our official Kickstarter Launch!

Keep your eyes peeled for another announcement. A special contest is coming soon with plenty of exciting surprises in store – including a new pet species and a special unique color.

Silvershade Releases Minimal Herding & Mysterious New Fish Have Appeared

16 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Quibblets Appear Across Santae!

"Almost home, little buddy" said Silvershade to Quin, the Minimal nested around their neck. It was a long journey back to the Minimal Ranch, but the young Quibblet in Silvershade's arms was tolerating it patiently - mostly!

Every once in a while, Quin would start to wiggle in excitement, peering with its large pale eyes over the edge of Silvershade's grip.

"Easy there!" Silvershade soothed Quin, struggling to get a grip on the slippery amphibian. "What's got you so worked up?"

The next time Quin started to chirp and wiggle, Silvershade tried to follow the Minimal's gaze. At first, nothing. But then: Something shiny and blue flashed in a puddle near the side of the path!

"Is that..." Silvershade couldn't believe what they were seeing. "That's another Quibblet!" They crowed in delight, adjusting their grip on Quin to look it in the eye. "Maybe a friend of yours?" Silvershade laughed.

Quin waggled its fins gleefully in reply. Silvershade kept their eyes peeled as they began to walk again. Sure enough, as the duo traveled to the last leg towards the Minimal Ranch, Silvershade noticed a few more wild Quibblets out and about. "I guess more of those Quibbspawn have been hatching!"

"Phew!" Silvershade sighed in relief as they latched the gate to the Minimal Ranch behind them. "Finally back. Let's get you settled in," they said, stopping to place Quin on the ground.

A crowd of curious Minimals had already noticed the newcomer. "Now, y'all better make Quin here feel welcome," Silvershade warned the gathering Minimals with mock sternness and a smile.

In a swirl of gleaming bright and shadowy wings, a pair of dragon-like Minimals descended to say hello. Quin touched noses shyly with Grimmoire and Luminaria in turn.

Then a splashing sound got the Quibblet's attention. An inquisitive Oase was poking its head out of a nearby pond. It waved a webbed paw, inviting Quin closer to the water. 

Quin wiggled over to the pond's edge and plopped in with a happy chirp. Aquatic minimals swam in a swirl around their new friend to welcome it home, and Quin gleefully joined in the graceful underwater dance.

Visit Herding in Lani Archipelagos

Now that Silvershade and Quin are back home at the Minimal Ranch, they've extended an invitation for Adventurers to come visit. 

With Quibblets appearing in the wild across Santae, Silvershade needs your help to explore, and discover where they live... and maybe even see if they can be tamed.

Silvershade has been spotting Quibblets all over, and if you stop by they'll tell you where to look for one. The timid little tadpoles keep running away before anyone can get a proper look at them - but if we work together, maybe we can learn enough about them to learn the secret of befriending them.

Visit Minimal Herding in the Lani Archipelagos to get started!

More Fish are Returning

Captain Finn has reported that due to the waters clearing of all the trash, more fish are reappearing at various locations, some of these fish seem to want to join your party, perhaps checking further into that will solve the mystery.

Flamefin Flametuna Celestial Phoenixfish Nautical Oraclefish Aqua Prismfish Phoenixwing Guppy Stormforge Luminaut

Catch these magnificent Fish that have been long gone from these areas!

Referral Contest continues during Alpha 3.0

We're almost halfway through our Alpha 3.0 phase where we have had many new players come to join us! Remember - we have a Referral contest underway - refer someone to apply for an alpha testing account, and as long as they put your name, you'll enter a raffle to get a Wispyr! (5 referrals guarantees you a Wispyr!).
We are also offering additional referral-exclusive prizes for each referral you send to Santae (Max of 8).

Kickstarter Preview is now available + Abyssal Monster Updated

14 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Welcome to Santae's Kickstarter

Our Official Pre-Launch Kickstarter Page has now been made live to preview! 

We are thrilled and excited to share with you our pre-launch page which has some of the details of what we're hoping to accomplish in the future with your direct support! In return for backing our Kickstarter, we are offering a wide range of rewards, such as; Animated HA-wearables, exclusive avatars and items, and magical pet species! From the honor-bound  Royal Knight tier, through to the magical Grand Arcanist tier, we believe we have crafted an assortment of content bound to enhance your Santae experience! 

We're also going to be offering limited-quantity tiers for you to have a direct influence of the content on Santae, by working with our Art & Development teams to create hair styles, Minimals, item sets and even an NPC in your image or design!

Our goal is $20,000, but we have planned an assortment of Stretch Goals that include some exciting features and updates that we want to bring to Santae, such as:  Pet Backgrounds/Auras, Adventure Party System, and even.. Pet Plushies Merch (To name just a few!).

Our campaign launch date is 30th August and will run until 30th September!

With your help, we will hit the ground RUNNING in BETA, with a transition into FULL RELEASE in 2025, with continuous, ongoing updates (as you have seen during Alpha!) to make these features a reality.

We thank each and every one of you for your support! Remember to hit the "Notify Me" button on our Kickstarter page and to tell your friends and family all about us! We are so excited to see what the future holds! 

Thank you all so much for your continued support, we love you all and cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of us!

~The Santae Team

Peace and Quiet at the Azure Abyss

The Seeker of Knowledge gazed out over the waters of the Azure Abyss. Its mirror-like surface gleamed in the twilight, reflecting the darkening sky. It was quiet tonight. Perfect, the Seeker thought, for some restful contemplation of the secrets found within the most recent texts adventurers had delivered to him for study.

Except…what was that noise?

It was like a low rumbling that made the Abyss’ waters quiver and dance. It paused for a moment, then started up again in a rhythmic pattern.

The Seeker leaned out over the shore to peer into the depths. Down beneath the crystalline waters was the familiar serpentine shape of the Abyssal Monster – fast asleep? 

The Monster was coiled at the bottom of the Abyss, snoring! The Seeker had never seen it so peaceful. 

Curiously, he extended one hand to touch the water. Ripples ran out across the surface, and far below the Monster cracked open one luminous eye. 

The Seeker braced himself for the Monster’s displeasure, familiar with its changeable moods. But instead of lunging, the Abyssal Monster uncoiled slowly and swam up towards the surface. The Monster nudged its nose up under the Seeker’s hand for petting.

“Incredible,” The Seeker of Knowledge murmured. “Have we satisfied your hunger at last?” He petted the Monster’s nose, still wary of its sharp fangs, but the great serpent happily soaked up the attention.

“All the gifts the adventurers of Santae have been bringing you must have improved your mood!” The Seeker said. 

The Monster closed its eyes and replied with a friendly gurgle. The Seeker patted it once more before the serpent ducked back beneath the water’s surface to swim in slow, lazy circles around its home. 

The Abyssal Monster has calmed down!

It looks like gifts and attention from dedicated Santarians have finally won the favor of the Abyssal Monster!

The Seeker of Knowledge has been observing its recent behavior, and is confident that the Monster’s days of chomping and snapping at visitors are over. Giving food to the Abyssal Monster will no longer result in any negative effects.