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Floribelle and Shadecap make an Appearance, 1k Milestone Achieved and Kickstarter Contest Continues

26 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

A Synthetic Discovery

Skylar was taking a break from researching the mysteries of the world of Santae, when a they noticed a parcel had arrived on the research lab's doorstep.

Attached to the parcel, was a letter from an old friend -

You probably heard about the discovery I made - the Synthwave Pet Color.

I discovered even more on my adventures - and thought you were best placed to research this further.
I've enclosed a few samples of my find - Synthwave Shimmer Dust.

I have no idea where it originates from, but it seems the more I head north from Flamefall, the more I seem to find.
I suspect they are coming from the rumoured city of Neonlithic Heights, however the path ahead is treacherous and can only be explored by an Adventure Party.

Until we manage to assemble such a team, I'll keep exploring where I can, and if I find any more exciting Synth items, I'll be sure to send them to you!

I hope you are continuing to exercise and stay healthy,

Come visit some time

- Master Yushe

Skylar peered in the parcel and was astounded at the beautiful Jar that sparkled in the sunlight. It was unlike any jar they had ever laid their eyes on.

"Synthwave Shimmer Dust?" Skylar muttered out loud.. "- where do we even start to research you?".

After spending a few hours examining the jar, Skylar had come up with a strong gameplan -

"Adventurers! I need your help! We need an Adventure Party to explore the wilderness of Aleriea for more of these treasures. Let's research how we can do this together - I'll send each of you a Synthwave Shimmer Dust, and if Master Yushe finds any more, I'll be sure to also share it with you!"

Help Us Unlock Kickstarter Rewards!

We are days away from launching our Kickstarter Campaign, and we are offering some tantilizing community rewards, just for following (no purchase neccessary!).

Our first highlight was hitting 500 followers on our Kickstarter pre-launch page - when this happened, we distributed the loveable Luffin Pet species site-wide!

And now, we are pleased to announce, that our next goal - 1,000 followers has now been achieved which means the entire community has received a gift from Skylar - a Synthwave Shimmer Dust - to change any pet of your choosing into our latest color - Synthwave!


Make sure to check your sanMail for yours!

We want to unlock many more rewards over the next few days, and we can only do that with YOUR HELP
Simply click here to visit our Kickstarter page, and click "Notify me on Launch" - and thats it!

Increasing our Kickstarter following pushes us up the Kickstarter algorithm!
This means potentially more backers, which in turn means we would have the ability to bring many more features to santae, much quicker! (See our Development Roadmap here - This includes our planned "Adventure Party" feature!)

We have decided to amend the prizes for further followers, and the following will be distributed if or when we hit them:

  • At 1,100 Followers = An Additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine

  • At 1,200 Followers = An Additional Synthwave Shimmer Dust

  • At 1,300 Followers = An Additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine

  • At 1,400 Followers = An Additional Synthwave Shimmer Dust

  • At 1,500 Followers = An Additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine
  • and a Divine Synthwave Raylen Figurine

  • At 1,600 Followers = An Additional Synthwave Shimmer Dust

  • At 1,700 Followers = An Additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine

  • At 1,800 Followers = An Additional Synthwave Shimmer Dust

  • At 1,900 Followers = An Additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine

  • At 2,000 Followers = An Additional Synthwave Shimmer Dust

We look forward to your support, so be sure to share the Kickstarter link with anyone you know who may be interested!

Our full Kickstarter URL:


Thank you
<3 The Entire Santae Team <3

Vespera Gets A Surprise Visit From Silvershade!

was excited to share her new Minimal stock with the adventurers. She was really happy she had found homes for the elemental trio - (PyraflameVoltarix and Frosthara) - and was humming to herself as she was repurposing her in-store habitat for her latest arrivals.

Just as she was adding the final touches - some fresh waterberries and toys - Silvershade entered, carrying a crate. "Oh hey Vespera, how's it going?"

Vespera, with her usual excited grin on her face looked at Silvershade before muttering - "Hold on - I just need to finish this first." before scurrying off into the backroom.

Moment's later she re-appeared with two cheery new Minimals in her arms and placed them gently into the new habitat. "I'm so excited to share these with adventurers!" she exclaimed!

"Woah, a Floribelle and a Shadecap.." Silvershade said thoughtfully before trailing off. They looked down at the crate they had brought in and looked a bit disheartened. Vespera could sense the hesitation in Silvershade's voice, but before she could ask what was wrong, Silvershade opened the crate and sighed, "I was looking to rehome these..",  revealing sparks of ice and fire glowing out the top of the crate - it was the elemental trio!

"I acquired these and thought they would fit right in with the ones you had..", 
Silvershade glanced at the petal and mushroom minimals - now digging in the hay in the corner of their habitat... ".. but -"

Silvershade could finish their sentence, Vespera cut in excitedly - "Oh! There is always space in my store! Come, help me setup a new habitat for them!"

Vespera Stocking Minimals Longer!

Vespera adds new Minimals to her store every 2 weeks, and is always thrilled to share these new exciting creatures with the adventurers of Santae!

Floribelle Shadecap
This week, she has introduced the joyous Floribelle, and the sporeful Shadecap which all adventurers can adopt!

In addition to these, Vespera now has additional PyraflameVoltarix and Frosthara available for adoption for  sanCash or  sanDust.

Vespera intends to continue receiving new Minimals every 2 weeks, but will now keep them stocked in her store for 4 weeks total - allowing more to be adopted!

Alpha Applications Closing, Thank You Alpha Testers, Socials Contests & Minimals Mischief

25 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Attention, Adventurers: Alpha Testing Applications are Officially Closing!

Alpha Testing first began in May of 2024 -- and we've come so far as a community since then! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping to make Santae the beautiful community it has become. In total, we have issued more than 3,750 Alpha Codes!

Starting at midnight SST (00:00:00), we will stop sending Alpha Codes to new testing applications. But our Alpha adventure isn't over yet! The site will remain open until September 21st, 2024. We will have a downtime period to prepare for our official Beta Launch starting October 19th, For our Early Access Beta members, which includes every one of you, Early Beta begins October 5th, 2024!

There is plenty of excitement in store between now and the beginning of Beta. Our official Kickstarter Campaign will be launching at the end of this week. Make sure to click "Notify me on launch" so you don't miss the occasion! As the Kickstarter reaches certain thresholds of followers, the entire Alpha community is unlocking tiers of exciting prizes.


As an added prize, if we officially hit 1500 Followers on our Kickstarter, everyone will receive a Divine Synthwave Raylen Figurine as an added thank you to everyone for the continued support! You will also receive all the other prizes previously mentioned as well <3 Again, Thank you all

Don't forget: The Alpha Wipe is coming soon! In one week, on September 2nd, we will be wiping and resetting all Alpha accounts to prepare for Beta. Check the Alpha Rollover Policy page to see which items will be reissued to you after the wipe. After the wipe has concluded, you are free to continue to play and collect pets and items as usual. Everything you collect on your account after the wipe -- even before Beta begins -- is yours to keep forever!

We will be announcing the results of our third and final Alpha Referral Contest soon. Stay tuned for a future announcement!

Thank you For Everything!

Every single one of you has helped make the beginning of Santae's story special. On behalf of the entire staff team, we would like to thank you all for helping to test the site throughout the entire Alpha period!

Your kindness has helped foster a loving community, and your creativity shines both on the site and in the official Discord every single day. Your boundless support has inspired the entire staff team to work hard, create new content, and improve Santae for all of us. Alpha brought dozens of exciting updates -- and the future will hold even more!

Here are some exciting stats that help tell the story of Santae's Alpha test:

Stat31st JulyToday
Forum Posts6,5559,889
Forum Topics9901,544
Items added to Collections75,274118,810
Harlowin Eggs Hatched7481,165
Berry Tree - Berries Foraged43,69480,012
Sword in the Stone Attempts31,17351,880
Sword in the Stone Wins5991,013
Balloons Popped-8,918
Items Gathered171,895312,703
Gooppers Evolved9662,225
Items added to Wardrobes165,074284,987
Games Played197,260349,905
Quests Completed285,982477,643
Quests Failed106,979156,398
News Posts117144
News Likes3,6315,409
'Secret' Avatars Unlocked13,75321,046
Trophies Unlocked3,8307,498
User Items Generated1,189,2972,457,751
User Items In Existence433,446766,478
Minimals attached to pets2,5304,817
Pets Created7,90214,572
Items bought from Usershops138,506268,190
Quibbits EvolvedNEW610
Item's Exchanged (for sD)NEW305,681 (966,037 sD)
Items caught FishingNEW268,087
Herding (Tamed / Flee)NEW3,477 / 361
Points earned towards Community Events goalsNEW4,344,939

Social Media Contests

Don't forget we have two separate contests on-going on our Tumblr and X(Twitter) platforms, be sure to share/reblog our posts and win some exciting prizes

Silvershade Needs Your Help

Attention Adventurers, Silvershade is in a bit of a pickle and needs your help. While on a journey to delivery a special batch of Minimals to Merick, Silvershade decided to rest for the night.

But as luck would have it, those mischievous Minimals had other plans. When Silvershade awoke, they found that every single one of those rascals had escaped!


These three particularly ornery Minimals have scattered far and wide, causing all sorts of mischief. Silvershade, who's usually so calm and collected, is now eagerly seeking your help to round them up. With a twinkle in their eye and a joyous smile, Silvershade says, "As a thank you for your help in capturing these little escape artists, any you manage to tame, you can keep as a token of appreciation for your help."

*The Jubilasaur will be in herding until September 3rd, 2024*

Quibbspawn News, Refreshed Art & Referral Contest Ending Soon!

24 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Quibbspawn Are Revealed To Be Seasonal!

Skylar has continued to monitor the situation with the QuibbspawnQuibblet, and Quibbit, and has noticed a rapidly declining quantity of Quibbspawn being fished up in the rivers and oceans of Santae.


After performing an in depth analysis of the species, it seems Quibbspawn will only appear at certain times of the year! 

Make sure to fish up as much Quibbspawn as you can before 31st August @ 23:59, as Skylar thinks we wont see them appearing in our fishing spots again until July 2025!

(Quibbspawn, Quibblets and Quibbits are included in our Alpha Rollover Policy!)

Art Refreshed!

We've been hard at work improving the content of Santae, and with that we would like to present newly refreshed art applied to some of our oldest items.

Slice of Celebration Cake Aleriean Toffee Pixie Shortbread  Butter Biscuits Elven Bread
Building Blocks Toy Blocks Silly Flower Yo-yo Magical Mirror Kicklet Squish 

Alpha 3.0 Referral Contest Coming To A Close

We're over halfway through our Alpha 3.0 phase where we have had many new players come to join us! Remember - we have a Referral contest, that is ending tomorrow at 11:59PM SST. Simply, refer someone to apply for an alpha testing account, and as long as they put your name, you'll enter a raffle to get a Wispyr of Your Choice of Color! (5 referrals guarantees you a Wispyr!).

We are also offering additional referral-exclusive prizes for each referral you send to Santae (Max of 8). We have also added a Synthwave Shimmer Dust to the prize pool, anyone with 1 or more referrals will be entered into a raffle to win one (1) of ten (10) Synthwave Shimmer Dusts. 

Synthwave Shimmer Dust Divine Natural Wispyr Figurine