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Referral Contest Rewards, Art Contest Wraps Up & Synthwave Shimmer Dust

29 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Referral Rewards Coming Your Way!

Our Community has grown so much since the very beginning of Santae's Alpha test -- and it's All of You who made it possible! Thank you for participating in our third and final Alpha Referral Contest.

During the contest, Adventurers could refer other new users to the site in exchange for a chance at amazing prizes. To see how many new users you referred during the Alpha 3.0 Contest, check this table!

Members who received 1-4 referrals are eligible to win a Divine Wispyr Figure in the color of their choice! Each individual referral counted as one raffle ticket. We are very pleased to announce the 10 lucky winners of the raffle are:


We are also as an added thank you, adding 10 more winners to this list, please congratulate the following bonus raffle winners: 

adupere1997, Silvi, Ketchum, Jinoga, Mew111, Theshiningopal, Katze, Hellcat, Evilae, impbunni

Congratulations to each of you! If you are one of the lucky winners, comment on this news post with the color of Divine Wispyr Figurine you'd like to receive, and we will get that sent over to you soon!

In addition, every user who referred 5+ new members will also receive a Divine Wisypr Figurine of their choice! If you are eligible (have 5+ referrals) be sure to comment on this news post with the color you would like!

Finally, for each referral you received (up to 8), contest participants will be sent ONE random item from the below "Referral Prizes" for each referral you obtained(Each item is guaranteed to not be duplicates). These referral items are part of our Alpha Rollover Policy and will be re-issued to your account after the Alpha Wipe.

The entire Santae Team would like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who has been a part of our Alpha Test and the referral contests! Your support is what makes the world of Santae truly magical.

Official Coloring Contest Closing Soon!

On the Official Santae Discord, we asked you to create an awesome color using the lines of the Wispyr, Blepp, Raylen and/or Pipsqueak Ogreling. The community really let its creativity shine. We're amazed by every single one of the beautiful entries you all have submitted so far!

Submissions to the Coloring Contest will be officially closed at 11:59:59SST.

Each and every entry will receive a random Rollover Gift from The Santae Team as thanks for participating. Keep an eye on your SanMail inbox for your prize over the coming next few days!

Now that the contest is almost over, it's time to get ready to judge the overall winners. The coloring contest winners will be decided via Community Vote on the Santae Discord! To vote you simply need to react to the submissions with a (:phasmicCHECK:) emoji. Winners will be announced on September 12th, 2024.

The winners will receive:

1st) Divine Wispyr and Blepp Figurine of your choice

2nd) Divine Wispyr or Blepp Figurine of your choice

3rd) Any two Current or Previous Cash Shop Items of your choice.

Good luck to everyone who entered, and don't forget to Vote! Keep a look out for our next Official Contest dropping soon!

Take Home An Ancient Treasure

Vespera has a Mysterious New Artifact in stock at the Cash Shop. Will you gaze into the Ancient Desert Mirror?

Only until the end of Alpha Testing, will this Magical Antique be available, like everything it will return though, so don’t miss your chance to acquire one. The mystical enchantment on this mirror will transport your Human Avatar to the heart of an Ancient Desert! Sparkling golden sands and clear blue desert skies await you — if you can claim one of these golden treasures for yourself.

Visit the Cash Shop today to peruse Vespera’s wares and take home an Ancient Desert Mirror of your own!

Skylar Is On The Trail Of More Synthwave Secrets

Skylar rolled up the measuring tape with swift, decisive movements. "I think we're done, Hop. Thank you!" They gave their Quibbit friend an affectionate pat on the head. They had been making detailed observations and measurements of their companion ever since they had decided to use a sample of Synthwave Shimmer Dust on Hop.

Hop seemed to enjoy its brand-new look immensely, and the research was helping Skylar learn a lot about the mysteries of Synthwave. But there was still so much more to discover!

Skylar laughed as Hop fluttered around their head in a circle, leaving a brilliant pink pixelated halo behind the path of its flight. "I'm right behind you!" Skylar called as Hop zoomed away. "I know you're excited to see what Master Yushe has sent us."

Another parcel was sitting outside the lab's door, but Skylar had decided to wait to open it until their research was done for the day. Hop landed next to the package and tapped it impatiently with one froggy hand, glowing antennae quivering with excitement.

Skylar opened the parcel to reveal what was inside.

"It's just as I thought!" They said. "Adventurers -- it looks like Master Yushe has found more Synthwave Shimmer Dust, and sent it onward like he promised. This will help us continue to research the Synthwave phenomenon before we finish gathering an Adventure Party. I'm sending one more to each of you!"

Follow The Official Kickstarter For More Exciting Rewards!

Great job, Adventurers! Thanks to your Outpouring of support we've hit the 1,200 follower milestone on Santae's Official Kickstarter. Every adventurer has received an additional sample of Synthwave Shimmer Dust from Skylar via SanMail as thanks.

There are only a few hours left to unlock additional rewards! Visit the Kickstarter page and click "Notify me on Launch" to help -- and ask your family and friends to do the same.

Our next goal is 1,250 followers. If we can reach it, Vespera will have more news about additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurines and Divine Synthwave Raylen Figurines for all!

Celestial Peaks Refreshed & Kickstarter Update

28 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

Seeing The Celestial Peaks In A New Light

A sudden burst of whistling and squawking startled Jasper just as he was putting the finishing touches on an intricately crafted pauldron. Too skilled to be taken off guard, he finished his work with a steady hand. He held up the completed piece to admire it in the sparkling morning light that poured through the vaulted windows of the Celestial Armory, then set it carefully down.

What was going on out there?

Stepping outside, Jasper took a deep breath of the cold, crisp air. Everything was as it should be: The broad river with its deep sapphire waters, the gleaming spires of the Celestial Peaks overhead, all warmed by the gauzy glow of the sunrise-kissed sky.

The source of the whistling was a flock of rambunctious Luffins! They took it in turns to duck under the crystal-clear waters and splash back to the surface, scattering icy droplets through the clear morning air. As Jasper watched, one particularly daring Luffin leapt from its perch on a nearby rooftop, spread its wide fins to glide a short way, and then plunged into the water in a splashy cannonball.

Jasper smiled, watching the creatures at play. Everything was exactly as it should be, but there was something especially beautiful in the air today. Somehow, the Celestial Peaks felt brand new!

The playful Luffins reminded him of something else, too. With one last fond glance around his mountain home, Jasper returned to the Armory to finish packing up for his trip.

The map art for the Celestial Peaks has received a beautiful update! Visit the Celestial Peaks today to admire the beautiful landscape for yourself.

Unlock Synthwave Secrets By Following The Official Kickstarter

There are only 2 days left before Santae's official Kickstarter campaign begins! By simply following the Kickstarter -- no purchase necessary -- and urging your friends and family to do the same, the whole community can unlock even more exciting rewards.

Together, we've already made amazing progress. By achieving 500 followers, you unlocked the lovable Luffin early! Then, at 1000 followers, researcher Skylar Fieldstone distributed a Synthwave Shimmer Dust to each and every Adventurer. At 1,100 followers, you unlocked an additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine for the entire community.

Now, there's still a chance to keep earning bonus rewards! We're so close to 1,200 followers and the next unlock: An additional Synthwave Shimmer Dust for all!

Will you help us get all the way over the finish line, Adventurer?

If we can get all the way to 1,500 followers, every Adventurer will receive An additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine and a Divine Synthwave Raylen Figurine! Check the news for the full list of rewards in store.

A Mysterious Shipment, Colorful Luffins, Kickstarter Updates & Rollover Items Locking

27 Aug, 2024

Published by: SantaeTeam

A Mysterious Shipment For Vespera

Vespera wiped her hand across her brow. Caring for all these Minimals was hard work, but it was worth it to see them so happy! One of newest additions, Floribelle, was happily soaking up the first rays of morning sun. A sleepy Shadecap followed Vespera around as she finished her morning chores, sticking to the relative darkness of her shadow.

After only a little while, the chores were done. Vespera was thankful that she didn't have a whole ranch full of Minimals to tend, like Silvershade. Running a shop was much more to her taste! With a grin, she went to the front door to unlock the store and begin the day.

The door knocked against something with a hollow thump as it swung open. "What's this?" Vespera muttered, River echoing her with a curious chirp. The Raylen fluttered over to help investigate.

Just outside the shop was a wooden crate. River pecked it experimentally a couple of times, then snatched something with her beak. Taking it from River, Vespera could see it was a scrap of paper. "This is for you to share with the Adventurers," Vespera read the neat handwriting on the scrap. "I'm on my way over with another batch to help the Adventurers support us. See you soon!"

Vespera pocketed the strange note and bent to open the crate. Lifting the lid revealed a pile of perfectly carved Divine Natural Luffin Figurines!

"Amazing!" Vespera cried. "Who sent these?" She wondered aloud. "I guess we'll find out soon..." she said, putting one hand in her pocket to touch the mysterious note.

"Check your SanMail, Adventurers! I've sent one of these mysterious Divine Figurines onward to each of you. I hope it will help you on your adventure -- and don't forget to support us!"

Work Together To Unlock More Kickstarter Rewards!

Thanks to your incredible outpouring of support, we've officially reached more than 1,100 followers on Santae's official Kickstarter! As thanks for reaching this amazing goal, the entire community has received an additional Divine Natural Luffin Figurine as gift from Vespera.

If we can keep this momentum going, there are many more rewards on the way! Simply visit the Kickstarter page and click "Notify me on Launch" to help.

Our next milestone is 1,200 followers. When we reach it, the entire community will receive an additional Synthwave Shimmer Dust! Check out the exciting full list of Kickstarter contest rewards in this news post.

A Colorful Flock Of Luffins Has Arrived

The skies over the Celestial Peaks are bursting with new color! Vivian's colorful Shimmer Dust has proven effective at changing Luffins' plumage into a rainbow of beautiful hues.

Check out the official Pet Colors page to admire the possibilities. Will your Luffin companion try out a new look?

Preparing For Alpha Wipe: Account Locked Items

Attention, Adventurers! In 24 hours, all rollover items will be account locked.

Starting tomorrow, items covered by the Alpha Rollover Policy will no longer be tradable between users. These items will remain locked until the Alpha Wipe on September 2nd.

Pet Adoption PapersDivine Synthwave Drava FigurineQuibbspawn1 SanCash CoinIricampus

This is a temporary restriction. After the Alpha Wipe is complete and the site reopens, all items will become tradable again. If you would like to trade any rollover items with other Adventurers before September 2nd, make sure to take care of it soon!

More Refreshed Artwork

Santae's incredible team of artists have remained hard at work improving site art. Another assortment of older items has received a fresh new look!

Yellow Toy Sword Green Toy Sword Orange Toy Sword Pink Toy Sword Purple Toy Sword Red Toy SwordSpinning TopsToy Cars